8 lifehas for quick cleaning


A modern woman is unlikely to play the role of Cinderella in his own apartment. Some have already used the Council on the distribution of responsibilities and are accustomed to ordering the cleaning service for cleaning at home. Others prefer to make an apartment independently - suggest how to reduce cleaning time without harm to quality.

Cleaning can be accelerated by 2-3 times with Lifehakov

Cleaning can be accelerated by 2-3 times with Lifehakov

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Toilet - everything head

One of the first to pay attention to your guests will deal with the cleanliness of the toilet. It is important to clean the bathroom regularly so that it shines white. Going to work, pour the cleaning agent under the brine - during the time you will do business, it will also work. The chemical composition softens the lime collapse and simplifies cleaning - on the arrival of home it will be enough to wipe the inner surface of the brush and wash off the water. We advise you to add one or two cubes to clean the toilet in the drain bar - this means will soften the water, so the contamination will become less.

Air conditioning not only for linen

The hostess have long taken to note that emollient air conditioning can be used not directly intended. Some add it to the water during the floor washing, so that the apartment is fragrant with fresh mountain aroma or gentle smell of roses. Yes, and the dirt will be less accumulated - the air conditioner contains chemical softeners, thanks to which it will be much easier to wipe the puddle from the shoe or remove stains from food from the floor. The air conditioner is also used to wash out open shelves - it acts as an antistatic, so pushes dust, so it will have to be less common.

Air conditioning for linen can not be applied by appointment.

Air conditioning for linen can not be applied by appointment.

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Perfect white shoes

With the arrival of spring on the streets run away white sneakers. It is a pity that their cleanliness is preserved for a short time! Tissue sneakers We advise you to wash in a typewriter with a bleach or small amount of white vinegar. Leather products offer to be cleaned with the most effective and fast way - apply a liquid for removing lacquet with acetone in the composition and wipe their shoes. You will be surprised that all the contaminants will disappear right in front.

New Pots and Frying

After a couple of months after buying a pan and a frying pan no longer look new ones, fat and pieces of food are settled on them, which is difficult to remove the usual dishwashing agent. It is not worth rubing the surface with a rigid metal sponge - it leaves deep scratches, in which the dirt is clogged. It is better to boil a capacity of 10-15 minutes with water, into which a cup of white vinegar is added, closing them with a lid. The acid softens the fat, so that it will be enough to clean the saucepan with a detergent.

Clean the vacuum cleaner

If the process of cleaning the floor with a vacuum cleaner takes you more than 15 minutes or you notice that the suction power is not enough, then the problem is most likely in the contamination of the device itself. In order for the vacuum cleaner to work as a new one, once a few weeks to disassemble it and rinse the grid and a sponge filtering. Clean the brush for garbage collection - cluffed dirt interferes with high-quality carpet cleaning. Also, do not forget to change bags - buy a set of 5-10 replaceable bags in advance and rearrange them once a month.

From time to time the vacuum cleaner needs to be cleaned

From time to time the vacuum cleaner needs to be cleaned

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Get helpful habits

The more you do during the week, the less important cleaning to you on the weekend. Agree with family members that everyone will refuel the bed, wash the dishes, reset the dirty things into the basket for washing, throw away the small garbage like checks or unnecessary paper in the urn and wash the sink after cleaning the teeth and shoes. Believe me, these actions occupy no more than one minute, but as a whole save the order of half an hour during cleaning.

Top down

An interesting cleaning principle, the most common abroad, is to clean, starting from the highest surfaces. For example, first wipe the shelves and reset the entire accumulated garbage on the floor, rinse the mirrors, then disassemble the cabinets and decompose the clean stroke clothes and only then start vacuuming and wipe the floor. Otherwise, it turns out that the dust from the washed shelves will be seen on a clean floor and falling fine garbage, which will force you to get along the second circle.

Do not accumulate garbage

Each of us in the soul is a bit plush - we are prone to years of keeping unnecessary things, rearrange them from place to place. After throwing out the whole garbage, you finally sigh freely, believe us. Throw unnecessary statuettes, postcards and pictures within the framework that do not fit into the interior and only the dust accumulate. The same applies to clothes, shoes and accessories. Even ineffective tools for cleaning and worn cloths we advise you to send to a landfill - they do not bring practical benefits, but they occupy a place.

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