Elena Knyazeva: "As long as Gabriella, they chose a dress, laughed to tears"


- Congratulations with purchases, although they are not so much. What did you choose?

Elena: bought two dresses, shoes and a set of underwear. While chose, laughed to tears. Linen - brand, everything else is not at all.

- Prestige clothing brand for you mean something?

Elena: When buying things, I will always give preference to little-known designers or not at all design things. Best shopping I had a week ago in Tokyo. I lay out Luke from Shibuya (the area, which is considered one of the most fashionable places on the planet. - "ICD") in the instagram, and I know for sure that there will be no one else. It seems to me that the time of street fashion, the time of individuality, and not loud and recognizable names. I'd rather put a dress stitched by an unknown designer, and it will be only with me than from "Dolce and Gabbana", in which all women of the sewer will go.

Gabriella: We had a funny case. We really liked the same dress. And there was neither her nor my size. As a result, they walked, lied, laughed and left with nothing.

Elena and Gabriella are confident that now the time of street fashion, not high-profile names, and they themselves often choose the outfits of unknown designers. .

Elena and Gabriella are confident that now the time of street fashion, not high-profile names, and they themselves often choose the outfits of unknown designers. .

- Probably your wardrobe in the area like small-sized apartments?

Elena: I have a big one. How many things are made there, I did not think and do not want to brag. But there are a lot of bags and shoes. About a hundred pairs of shoes, if not more, bags, clutches, backpacks - about the same. Moreover, I regularly engage in the cleaning of the wardrobe, I rent things into commission, I distribute to friends, throwing out - and still there are many of them.

Gabriella: My dressing room is also rather big, but I always pursue the feeling that there is nothing to wear. (Smiles.) Although I have about 30 pairs of shoes and somewhere 15-17 bags.

- Do you often be caught in Moscow stores?

Gabriella: today for the first time. I usually buy abroad.

Elena: And me too. In Tokyo, by the way, I was not the first time. The coolest, unusual things that next season will be on the podiums of many luxury marks, is all in Tokyo. Last year I bought a funny hat with the ears of Mickey Maus, laid out in Instagram, I laughed all our so-called fashion connoisseurs, and then flew into New York, leafing some kind of magazine and in a secular chronicle I saw a consultant of Vogue magazine Anna Dello Rousseau exactly in the same hat. (Smiles.) The same was with socks and slippers. I laid out the photo, where I am in the socks and sandals on the thick sole, a year ago. In Tokyo. It was then that girls and fashionable boys began to walk in this way. Now this is a global fashion trend, so all Tokyo goes, and slowly begin to walk in Moscow.

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