How to be rich and happy


There are many moments in life that make it stop and look in order to impartially evaluate what is happening. Moreover, questions that make it difficult to think about the need to change, most often related to the disadvantage of money or the search for happiness.

When both components are present, life can be considered harmonious. But if there is some feeling of dissatisfaction, then it is worth thinking about what is missing and, most importantly, what to do to take it.

I'll start with what I will try to systematize that A set of problems that prevents feeling the joy of life:

- feeling that no one appreciates you and does not understand, your life seems gray and monotonous;

- rolling the feeling of emptiness when it seems to you that you spend your life on trifles;

- desperate search for opportunities in order to achieve the desired one;

- You spend time on the fight against obsessive thoughts and panic attacks.

Irina Krivosheev

Irina Krivosheev

This set is not exhaustive, as well as the life of each person is to reduce to a common denominator. But if you look impartially, it becomes clear that we are the creators of your happiness. And if there is a problem, it can be solved if you start working and make efforts to search for harmony. It was the harmony, the removal of barriers is a universal road from "yellow bricks", which will lead you to happiness. You ask me, and maybe happiness and wealth exist separately? After all, our moms, grandmothers repeated once again about the fact that money is evil, Tlen. And happy you can be in a hood. But it is not. These are nothing more than complexes when comfort and the desire to live full life compared with the mesh. In the depths of the soul, there was always dissatisfaction with himself, she gradually eaten from the inside. It is enough to remember the fact as quickly Soviet women stolel. The constant struggle quickly eaten the natural beauty and turned the young girls in the aunt.

Era Aquarius demands from us to reformat yourself, change thinking. Only correctly and a positive thinking person will be able to set up the energy flow around himself, which will begin to attract happiness to himself. And after the happiness, wealth will come. My experience allows me to say with one hundred percent probability that money does not like those who do not like themselves. Look at the photos of Bill Gates, Ilona Mask, Mackenzie Bezos or Lorin Powell Jobs. These are smiling people, self-sufficient, who know themselves worthless of their mistakes. Why am I talking about errors and losses? Mackenzie Bezos survived the divorce, and Lorin Powell Jobs buried the spouse, nevertheless it does not prevent them from living in full life.

I drew attention to men, and for women, because more often I work with representatives of weak gender. By virtue of a flexible psyche, the expressed emotionality of women are not afraid to talk about their problems. And, as you know, recognition of the problem is the step towards it.

Now it is very fashionable to attend various female trainings. Unfortunately, it is contrary to himself that I have changed, a short-term placebo effect. Without finding the root cause of loneliness or chronic breaking of relations without changing this program in the subconscious, no training can help, unfortunately. Only individual, painstaking work on the restoration of your life can bring a tangible effect.

I will give a couple of examples from your own practice when working on yourself helped women find their way to happiness.

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It is harmony, the removal of barriers is a universal road from the "yellow brick", which will lead you to happiness


A woman of 60 years old, in his youth divorced her husband and could no longer be able to build strong relationships. We turned to her subconscious and when working with him learned that in young years, in a student building, she secretly fell in love with a young man from the older course. When it came to part, the young man admitted that his house was waiting for his house, and left. Harmony left him from her life. Loss closed her heart, broke the balance. And for many years she could not love with a heart. During the work, we were able to find basic priorities, helped her brain to build a way to happiness. Later she made plastic faces, returned the heightened beauty and returned his love.

A woman of 43 years old came at the time of an acute family crisis associated with the treason of the spouse. We started the work and found the root of the problem associated with the case of childhood. As a child, she often saw his father in alcoholic intoxication and folded the belief that men could not be trusted. It was a very difficult job, she learned many more ugly episodes about the behavior of her husband, but at the same time understood where he had provoked. I am sure that they will be able to forgive each other and restore their family, as they see where they lost harmony.

What is your whole story? To one simple conclusion. Without changing destructive programs in the subconscious part of the brain, without restoring the necessary neural connections, a young girl will never find a millionaire husband, a mature woman will not be able to keep her husband. Moreover, the danger is that a negative pattern can be unconsciously transmitted to children.

Do not be afraid to ask yourself. And if it is difficult, find one who helps find out where and when you folded a false belief. Such therapy aimed at work with the subconscious, in the root can change your life and become a straight road to happiness and wealth.

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