The most famous moms aged


Kristina Orbakayte

In 40 years old became a large mother.

All children singer are born from different husbands and in different cities. Senior, Nikita Presnyakov, appeared in London. In May of this year, he will be 21 years old. Middle, Dani Baysarov, - in Moscow. This year, and also in May, he marks his fourteen years. And the long-awaited daughter, Claudia Zemtsov, orbakaite gave birth to Miami, which immediately reported on his blog and posted a photo of the newborn. According to the actress, it is now experiencing real happiness.

Marina Mogilevskaya. Photo: Gennady Avramenko

Marina Mogilevskaya. Photo: Gennady Avramenko

Marina Mogilevskaya

In 41, gave birth to the only daughter Maria.

Last year last year, the actress first recognized the joy of motherhood. It did not manage to Marina in any of the two official marriages, but it turned out in the status of a free woman. Mogilevskaya sake the baby decided on time to leave the profession. It is rumored that a young mother wants to prolong the maternity leave for seven years to devote himself entirely to Masha.

Evelina Bledans with her husband. Photo: Gennady Avramenko

Evelina Bledans with her husband. Photo: Gennady Avramenko

Evelina Blondes

4 days before his 43th anniversary gave her son's her husband.

Evelina presented a gift to himself and her husband on April 1. Moreover, the surprise turned out to be double: the actress with his spouse, producer Alexander Syohin, waited for the girl. And even the name was invented by her - Elizabeth. And on the light, yes even ahead of time, seeds appeared, weighing 3,400 grams and 52 centimeters growth. According to the actress, her in the day of laughter was played by his own son, which all 9 months "pretended" to the girl. Senior, 18-year-old Kohl, is now studying in Switzerland and will not wait for the vacation to visit mom and brother.

Ilze Liepa. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Ilze Liepa. Photo: Schalovskaya Lilia

Ilze Liepa

At 46 years old gave birth to her firstborn.

The star of the Bolshoi Theater gave birth to daughter in March 2010. According to the ballerina, the appearance of hope has become a real miracle for her. The actress with her husband was waiting for a child for a very long time. And only prayer and hope saved her from despair. Despite this, Liepa on maternity leave was given only two and a half months - and immediately went on stage. By the way, unlike your colleagues, show the daughter of the press Ilze decided only in a year.

Olesya Zheleznyak. Photo: Gennady Avramenko

Olesya Zheleznyak. Photo: Gennady Avramenko

Olesya Zhelenyak

In 37 years gave birth to a third child.

Zheleznyak grew up in a big family (she has two sisters), so she wanted a lot of children herself. Personal life Actress has developed in the classic scheme: with a future husband met in Gitis, after which Olesya and actor Spartak Svchenko got married. But the Parents of the artists have become no soon. Their firstborn Savely (in the photo) was born when Zheleznyak was 30 years old. Three years later, Agafya appeared, and in January 2011, the son of Prokhor. Interestingly, in all kinds there was a dad and self-sized umbilical cord.

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