Reasonable spending on children: how not to ruin


Children are a fairly costly budget. If you have the first child, you still do not know what expenses are waiting for you. In order not to open in the first month of the life of the baby, think, whether your acquisitions are intelligent.

You do not need things to be

The child grows very quickly, you just do not have time to drain all things, especially if they are the same size. We are often confused by discounts: marketers make us buy more and more, and many of these things we do not need.

Some parents buy things for six months - a year, however, they often lose themselves with the size, because no one knows how much your baby grows.

Many things can be exchanged on special sites.

Many things can be exchanged on special sites.


Do not take things at a discount

Children's stores often arrange rather generous, at first glance, stocks. It seems to you that you have purchased a thing insanely profitable, but in fact you have acquired that you have not needed. Agree, two down jackets for a one-year-old kid in the middle of the summer, albeit with a discount, is a dubious purchase.

Buying only then is profitable when you were going to acquire this thing, in other cases it is better to refrain.

Do you really need this thing?

Yes, we know how cute little things are sold in the Children's Department - it is very difficult to go past. We are talking about baubles in astronomical prices, for example, various rugs with a vibration or children's chair with technical bells.

Dyspled by love for the child, the parents sometimes go to rampant purchases, just to pamper the baby and once again emphasize the status of the parent.

bike does not have to be from the store

bike does not have to be from the store


Do not come around with a used thing

It is very profitable to purchase a thing in an excellent condition, even if not directly from the store. For example, you can look after the children's cradle, which is unambiguously useful to you after 3 months. The child grows, his interests and preferences change, but not to throw out things to which a large amount of money was spent! So the bike is "secondary" does not always mean something faulty and bad.

Sell ​​themselves

You too can sell unnecessary things as it is done everywhere. Do you have a stroller or chairs? Boldly post an advertisement on the Internet. The same applies toys and clothes. Only things should be in very good condition.

Children almost instantly grow out of clothes

Children almost instantly grow out of clothes


Paid services are not at all necessary

Myth that paid services are always better, incredibly grooming. This is especially true for medicine. Most of the analyzes, if there are no serious abnormalities, you can pass at the place of residence completely free.

Of course, you yourself are free to choose, but there is practically no difference in the results, you can note only more polite treatment by staff. The pluses of medical care at the place of residence can be attributed to an electronic record and reducing queues.

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