Trends that do not understand parents


Oh, these fees, when mom becomes breasts at the exit and makes it possible to understand everything: "Either you disguise, or you stay at home." Point.

Parents are sometimes difficult to understand where the child has (oh, horror!) Such an incomprehensible taste in clothes, as he can wear it at all. We have collected for you six trend things of modern youth, from which parents grab the heart.

experiment better at young age

experiment better at young age


Transparent things

No, we are not talking about translucent dresses, but about backpacks made of soft colorless plastic. Also complete with a raincoat. For young people, similar accessories are a chance to draw attention to themselves, stand out from the total mass of people.

You probably saw guys with "acid" transparent backpacks behind the back, where you can see all the property of the owner. So, parents absolutely do not understand how it can be in principle "walking" in humans. So that mom is less worried, buy a backpack or raincoat in calm colors, do not upset your parents.

By the way, the issue of transparency can be solved in a plug-in bag.

Enchanting hairstyles and not only

It is not only about hairstyles, but also about staining in incredible colors. On the streets of megacities in huge quantities, young people with "Rainbow" are walking on the head. In adolescence, such experiments with the appearance of the excretion, but after 25 such shocking no longer causes condescension of others.

However, teachers are not always ready for such experiments. Before you decide on the purchase of purple paint, make sure that the teaching staff is not against such bold solutions, why do you need problems in school? If you so want to stand out, various cosmetic brands offer paint "at once" or special coloring sprays, but they strongly spoil the clothes when they get to it and can paint the scalp.

sneakers also like not all

sneakers also like not all


Sneakers are not for sports

Moms just moved away from the combination of "sneakers' dress", and they already offer to accept the new generation of sneakers, the so-called Ugly Boots.

What is interesting, such shoes are popular not only among adolescents and young people, but also such a style prefer people quite mature.

Parents will have to accept - the threshing trend and will live at least a whole season.

Too loose things

Another long-playing trend, as well as ugly sneakers. However, in the case of super-disconnecting things, it is important to take into account our own set: too complete people who left adolescence, volumetric things are not recommended, as you will look at least strange.

Some psychologists came to the conclusion that clothes for several sizes more serves as psychological protection for insecure people, which is characteristic of young people.

However, no one has canceled the fact that a huge sweatshirt can be played with accessories and create a unique style.

Let your teenager choose what to wear

Let your teenager choose what to wear


Shouted trousers

It would seem shortened pants - no news for a long time. However, young people do not part with them even in a minus temperature. For a long time, the Okomovina "Situators" now does not produce that furore, when such people were photographed in public transport as wonderful representatives of the Magazis.

Young people rarely think about health and wear short pants without any socks or tights. This may especially be dangerous for girls, so be careful - fashion fashion, and health is more important.

Hi, 90s!

Fantasy never die. Where else can you buy vintage things at a bargain price? Of course, only there. Yes, and fashion, you know, cyclical.

There is a small dissonance: parents may be resentment about the whole new, but at the same time condemn too "old-old" things, they simply do not understand why their child suddenly starts in all trendy grave.

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