English with diaper - need or not


In Russia, every year the number of international companies is increasing - all new and new corporations decide to enter our country's market. At the same time, the need for specialists who can work with sources in two or more languages ​​is growing. The wider there will be erudition and education of the child by the time of exit to free swimming, the more opportunities will be introduced to him. We tell how English can be useful and when you need to start studying it.

Residents of Great Britain - a set of pronunciation

It is customary to share English into two directions - British and American. However, not all so simple. In the UK alone, there are more than 10 English accents - they all differ in intonation, pronunciation, writing words and special phrases. Moreover, the number of carriers of the reference RP - "Received Pronunciation" - decreases every year. However, teachers agree that it is worth learning that the British version - it is considered traditional in most countries, so the child will be able to understand almost any.

need to take into account all factors

need to take into account all factors

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Independent training - evil

Parents who have decided to buy a fashion training system for cards, stands on time. Teachers in one voice are taking advantage of the refusal to independently studying the language - you can put the child the wrong pronunciation, which will then be very difficult to correct. The familiar to Russians growing and hissing sounds spoil the speech: In the end, instead of "The" instead of the interdental "WE", it will turn out as "ZE" and so on. If one of the parents is a native speaker, then training can be started from the birth of a child - so it will become a bilingual and easily wait. However, parents whose pronunciation is far from ideal and is limited to the proposal "London - the capital of Great Britain", it is better to trust professionals.

Learning process

In profile schools, all children before entering the class are tested for the possibility of learning a language - teachers say out loud words that children must repeat; suggest them to assume that it means that or another word; They ask to remember and reproduce the words carried by them. So specialists understand which children have the ability to quickly teach. First, they affect the auditory system - include children to record foreign speech, teach them sounds, and only then alphabetically. It helps the kids to adapt to another language, not to be afraid of him and realize that it is quite possible to learn English, it is only worth trying.

Training takes place in several stages

Training takes place in several stages

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Depth of language learning

At a time when a child teaches several languages, his vocabulary increases rather quickly, the truth is still limited to the possibilities of the brain. The limbic brain system responsible for speech is developing gradually. Early learning of the language somewhat slows down, since the brain needs to determine the main language of thinking and speech. At billings, as noted by doctors, there are problems with literacy, the transition from one language to the other during the monologue and the lack of understanding of some phrases.

Language Schools

Choosing a school for additional studies in Russia, it is better to give preference to the one where the lessons will alternately conduct academicians and speakers of the language. Thus, the child will be waiting for not only a grammar, which usually suffers from media, as in oral speech is limited by using 2-3 time forms, but also learns to understand and reproduce spokenage. It will be useful to send a child to a summer camp abroad - this pleasure is not cheap, however, an excellent practice of conversational communication. Yes, and the child will be in a medium of educated and inquisitive children, which will have a positive effect on his desire to gain knowledge.

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