Why spring should be started with dispensary


It is necessary to start a preventive inspection from the therapist, which will collapse further actions. And even if the patient has no complaints, in each age group there are features requiring specialists. For example, in adolescence, you need to follow the hormonal background, the work of the endocrine system. Girls and young men need to visit the first time a gynecologist and a urologist. And regularly check the eyes, as ophthalmic problems may appear in 12-14 years. Everyone without exception should be done annually to do fluorography, which will help to identify tuberculosis. People after 45 years need to check the cardiovascular system, control cholesterol, to make an ECG. Women after forty years must regularly undergo a survey at the mammologist and visit the gynecologist at least twice a year. You need to know that Misa uterus, cervical cancer can be fully cured at an early stage. Today there are technologies that allow women suffering from Mioma to preserve the uterus and give birth after treatment. Successfully succumb to therapy prostatitis and prostate adenoma. And the sooner experts identify the problem and begin treatment, the less painful and long it will be. Purchase people need to carefully monitor blood sugar, the work of endocrine and cardiovascular systems. And, of course, it is impossible to forget about dental examinations, as the patient tooth is a chronic focus of infection.

Natalia Gaidash

Natalia Gaidash

Natalia Gaidash, k. m. n., dermatonologist

- Climbing is needed annually. And than a person older, the more often you need to undergo cliserization. Preferably - every six months. The minimum screening diagnostics should include the inspection of the therapist or family doctor, as is customary. And already according to the results of inspection, the doctor prescribes the necessary analyzes and research.

Alone to do analyzes absolutely meaningless. Today, diagnostic equipment and screening methods are constantly changing, and the patient simply cannot assign itself the most effective method for the diagnosis of one or another disease. In addition, the patient himself will not be able to read them and analyze. Most studies are paid now, and it may be so that a person will pass costly, but unnecessary analyzes, but will not make vital.

The only screening study that can be appointed independently - dermatosiacopia. If there are moles, neoplasms on the skin - they need to closely follow them.

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