How to get rid of freckles?


What is freckles?

When the sun's rays affect the skin, it produces a protective pigment - melanin. An uniform tan appears. But some melanin accumulates on the surface of the skin in the form of small points and specks. This is freckles. This is due to the genetic feature in the system of pigmentation of our skin. This feature is inherited, just like, for example, hair color or eye. And most often arises in blond and red-haired people with blue or green eyes.

What are the folk remedies?

Parsley. Myth. For whitening the freckles from parses make chambers, infusions and various masks. Indeed, parsley contains essential oils with whitening effect. But! The fact is that such a way helps only if the parsley has just broken from the bed. If parsley is lying for several hours, then the essential oils evaporate in it. The desired effect will not be. The method is safe.

Lemon, cucumbers, currants, strawberries . Truth. Masks with lemon, cucumbers, currant and strawberries contain a large amount of vitamin C. It easily penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, blocks tyrosinase - an enzyme that participates in the formation of melanin, and violates its education. Therefore, freckles disappear. The method is safe.

Dandelion. Myth. The dandelion juice contains azelainic acid - it disrupts the synthesis of DNA and RNA in melanocytes and prevents the synthesis of pigment - melanin. Thus, the freckle is covered. But the use of dandelion juice is dangerous, it can peel the skin and even cause an allergic reaction, so we recommend using a decoction. But in the brave of dandelion azelic acid is very small, for the proper effect you need a day to swim in such a brave. The method is safe.

Hydrogen peroxide. Myth. This is one of the most popular ways to combat freckles. A weak solution of hydrogen peroxide is used. The mechanism of its action is: under the action of a catalase enzyme, which is contained in the human body, hydrogen peroxide quickly disintegrates and active atomic oxygen. But atomic oxygen actions are sufficient, for example, for processing the wound, but not for effective skin whitening. Important: at a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide (up to 6%) and long-term use, a certain whitening effect is achieved, but at the same time the adverse reactions of sensitive skin, prone to the appearance of freckles: redness, peeling, irritation, allergic reactions.

Tea mushroom. Truth. Infusion of tea mushroom contains a large amount of acids: glucon, lemon, milk, acetic, apple. These acids penetrate the deep layers of the skin and violate the synthesis of melanin. It ceases to be produced, and the freckle disappears. The method is safe.

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