Staged a scene: like Jackman, Jolie, Craig and other stars cope with jealousy


Spouse Hugh Jackman Deborah Li Farness Extremely scrupulously approaches the partner of their spouse on the screen. And urged the actor agent in no way agree to the project in which Hugh had to play with Angelina Jolie. "I'm sure she is very nice. And I really like the fact that she sheds the light to the adoption question. But ... I told his agent that Hugh is forbidden to take off with her, "Deborah said in a recent interview. "Well, of course, I'm kidding," Ferresses added immediately. "If you treat this correctly and chose the right partner, then all this goes without problems and unnecessary torments." "Deb says we need to do so as not to part more than two weeks. And we do not part more than two weeks, "he continues Hugh. "Yes, we do not want to apologize longer. He is so cool joking, and I miss him, "laughing fours down the spouse of Deborah.

Daniel Craig Never hid that he is the owner and jealous of nature. In his youth, he even made a fight in the bar, when one of the visitors to the interlayer looked at his girlfriend. His current spouse Rachel Weis. The actor is also very jealous, but now she tries to restrain his emotions. Although it is recognized that sometimes it is difficult for him to look like Rachel kisses with someone on the screen. The actress, on the contrary, absolutely calmly refers to the love scenes of her husband. And when Rachel learned that in the new film Bondiani "007: Spectrum" Daniel was able to kiss with Monica Bellucci, she was completely delighted at all. "This is Monica Bellucci - one of the most beautiful women in the world! We must admit, he was very lucky. I even envy him, "Vais admitted. "No, I'm not jealous of him to Bond girls. I know that all this is not really. This is a game. Yes, we have a rather unusual job, and you have to put up with some kind of aspects, "adds movie star.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Photo: AP images.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Photo: AP images.

After meeting S. Angelina Jolie. in 2005 Brad Pitt Practically stopped being filmed in love scenes. But not Angie, who became his wife in 2014, asked the actor about it: Brad himself decided so. A close friend of Pitt Frank Pollaot explains: "Brad is crazy about Angelina. And he does not want to give her the slightest reason for jealousy, so as not to hurt her feelings. " Angelina is not so categorical in choosing its roles. And a couple of times starred in savory episodes being already in a serious relationship with Brad. Jolie was not even against the frank scene with Johnny Depp in the film "Tourist". But, fortunately for Pitt, before that did not come. They say, Vanessa Paradise acted against the bedside scene, Vanessa Paradise, who at that time was a civilian wife of Depp.

Wife Evan McGregor IV. still jealous husband to actress Kelly McDonald. With which he starred in some very frank scenes in the film "On the needle". But the film was released back in 1996. But the fact is that at that time IV was pregnant. "Probably, then I reconciled the hormones in me, but I began to risk Evan's terribly. And even now, many years later, I can not calmly look at Kelly, I start literally tremble from jealousy, "the poop of the movie star and the mother of his children is recognized.

Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataka with children. Photo:

Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataka with children. Photo:

Channing Tatum , the star of the Dilogy "Super Mike", in which he played a stripter, in a recent interview with Womanhit told that his wife neither the droplet was jealous of him to the surrounding women. And they, in the plot, there was a lot, and with some of them Channing danced quite defiantly. But it turned out that the actor himself is quite jealous. "He really doesn't like when I am shooting in bed scenes or kissing someone in the frame. He can't calmly look at what I repeatedly confessed. Therefore, and for me, during such filming, it happens in itself, "says Jenna Devian Tatum . "But it would be strange if he said," I don't care what you want. " And even, probably, hurt. " But to calm the spouse and convince in his loyalty, after the filming of every love scene Jenna, on their own admission, always suits Channing a holiday home in the bedroom.

Anna Pakuin became acquainted with his current spouse Stephen Moyer On the set of the series "Real Blood". And, perhaps, it is this fact that makes Stephen's madly jealous of his wife to other male colleagues. Once, watching the shooting of the love scene of Anna with Alexander Skarsgard, Stephen even went out of himself, almost arranged a scandal and almost threw the workflow. Moire seemed that Scarsgard, who recently broke up with the beloved Kate Bosworth, goes beyond and is clearly too enjoying the process. Pakuin had to urgently calm the spouse, and then after every frame to approach him, hugging, kissing and whisper all sorts of tenderness in the eye, so that he didn't react more so violently.

Channing Tatum and his wife Genna Devian Tatum and daughter. Photo:

Channing Tatum and his wife Genna Devian Tatum and daughter. Photo:

Elsa Pataki , Wife Star Movies Tor and Avengers Chris Hemsworth. , absolutely confident in loyalty to her husband. But if she falls the opportunity to be near him during filming, Elsa does not miss her. And even ready to get up in the frame itself, when the hemsworth hemsworth is needed to show ardent feelings in the plot. In particular, it was during the filming of Kiss of Chris with Natalie Portman in the final scene of the painting "Tor 2: The Kingdom of Darkness." A wig and costume Portman were on the Pataki, and she sacred her lips with her spouse. What the director was even happy because the scene turned out very passionate.

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