Herbal teas: delicious recipes and benefits


The usual green and black tea brought to Russia not more than 4 centuries ago - before that everyone drank herbal champs and berry frosts. Even Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, who was engaged in in addition to the writing activity with agriculture, praised the taste of a drink from the roots of chicory. Previously, compatriots especially loved the drink from Ivan tea and fragrant sheets of currant and raspberry. The article tell about the benefits of herbs and the recipes of delicious tea from them.

We treat meals

Heart and vessels

Reduce pressure: strawberries, black-free rowan, a series, barbaris, medicine letter.

Raise pressure: rosemary, rhodiola pink, chinese lemongrass, Eleutherococcus, Aralia, Levsay Saflorovoid.

Strengthen the cardiovascular system: hawthorn, St. John's wort, nettle, coltsfoot, calendula, Melissa, mother-in-law, yarrow, chicory.

Melissa strengthens the vessels

Melissa strengthens the vessels

Photo: Pixabay.com.


Normalize digestion: anise, young leaves of birch, currants, apple trees, daisy pharmacy, lingonberry, blackberry, mint, dill, yarrow.


We are rich in vitamins: young leaves of birch, cock, sea buckthorn, black currant, raspberries, lingers, blackberries, as well as nettle, acidic, primrose, sick, sea buckthorn, viburnum, red rowan, actinidia, fruits and riding leaves.

Chamomile is useful before bedtime

Chamomile is useful before bedtime

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Nervous system

Soothing effect: Valerian's roots, oregano, St. John's wort, mint, Melissa, Sync, Hop, Baikal Schloride.

Eliminate headaches: Cyprus, clover, primrose, lavender, verbena.

Where can one buy

We do not advise you independent collection of herbs, as it is a time-consuming process that requires certain knowledge and training. It is important to take into account not only the place of grieving the grass, but also the collection time and period of flowering. Best Council - buy ready-made dried and crushed herbs in the pharmacy in filter bags. Their cost is low, so everyone can pick up an individual set of herbs for its purposes.

Buy herbs in a pharmacy

Buy herbs in a pharmacy

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Recipes of herbal teas

  • Tea before bed: Take equal portions of Melissa, mint, daisies pharmacy and linden flowers. Such tea normalizes pressure, it will reduce the blood sugar level, the nerves will calm down and will help to fall asleep faster.
  • Back pain: Two pieces of black elast fruits and 1 pieces of videos and linden flowers. Tea relaxes muscles and soothes the nervous system.
  • Improved digestion: Take equal proportions of raspberry leaves, strawberries, apples and nettle. This infusion is rich in vitamins and speeds up the process of digestion of food. With the addition of fresh berries and fruits will be more tastier.
  • Reducing acidity in the stomach: Two parts of the grass of the Hypericum, mint leaves and sage, 1 pieces of daisies pharmaceutical, Badyan leaves and vibracy grass. Tea soothes the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended for gastritis and a stomach ulcer.
  • Acceleration of metabolism: In equal proportions, take the fruits of black currant, rowan, rosehip and nettle leaves.
  • Immunity strengthening: In equal parts, take the fruits of the rosehip, the leaves of black currant and raspberry.

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