Christina Orbakaite for her daughter took the former nanny son


By the summer of Christina Orbakayte plans to translate his newborn daughter to Russia. Now, an old adherent of Pugacheva's house flew to help from Russia - Nadezhda, the same woman who has nursed even Denis, when the boy grew up with his mother. Christina Orbakayte, in contrast to the father of Denis Ruslan Baisarov, who quit hope at the time of the family conflict, was very pleased with the work of the nanny. Now, when it took to choose a helper in handling a newborn, the singer did not doubt a minute that only a proven person could be invited to this role, which had long served the family, proved his loyalty and devotion.

Where will be more time to spend the Child Christina Orbakakay, when it grows up, of course, while it is difficult to say. But, given that the name of the girl was chosen with an eye on America - Claudia is very consonant with the name of Claudia - it is possible that Christina considers Miami, where she has an apartment as the second home for his baby. In addition, the Parents of her wife Mikhail Zemtsov live in the USA, they are still quite young and dream of spending more time with the only granddaughter.

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