Soloist 5 Sta Family corrected appearance


Julianna Karaulova, Soloist 5 Sta Family, decided to abandon the star. Not from that, of course, which is laying in the alay of glory, here the guys would not mind at all. Karaulova finally said goodbye to the little vascular asterisk on his face in the clinic of Andrei Erodev.

"I have fine sensitive skin, it is visible to redness. I will not say that this asterisk brought me a big inconvenience, it could be hidden by makeup, but still I decided to remove her at all so as not to pay attention to her, "says Julianna.

In addition, the girl consulted with the doctor of emergency care for sensitive skin. Frequent use of creams and cosmetics makes skin tired, and for a public person it is very important to look excellently. The doctor offered Julianna to periodically make light grinding faces to update the skin, as well as recommended the popular procedure among the stars - Plasmolifting.

Julianna Karaulova and Andrei Iskornev. .

Julianna Karaulova and Andrei Iskornev. .

"Plasmolifting is a natural method of modeling the processes of tissue regeneration, allowing you to start the hidden skin restoration processes. Its action is based on the introduction of plasma platelets into a problem zone, which provokes the formation of hyaluronic acid, collagen - the most important components that ensure skin elasticity, "explained Andrei Iskornev. - Since the plasma is separated in the centrifuge from the patient's blood, allergic reactions with plasmolyfting are excluded. In addition, the procedure eliminates the use of any chemical additives. Traces from injections are already the next day, which is an important advantage for public people. "

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