Alice Yarovskaya refused to strengthen the potency of men


Not so long ago, Alice Yarovskaya was recognized as the sexual TV presenter of Internet voting. Recently, she began news on the RBC channel, which belongs to Mikhail Prokhorov. Many spectators noted that as soon as the canal moved to Mikhail Dmitrievich, a lot of beautiful girls appeared in his ether. As you know, the entrepreneur knows a sense in female beauty. According to rumors, he personally expressed a desire so that Yarovskaya appeared on the broadcast of his TV channel. The beauty of Alice appreciated the advertisers. The other day she arrived a savory offer to become an advertising person of one of the drugs to enhance potency. However, the TV host from this sentence politely refused.

"Of course, it was pleasant for me that I was pleased that I was chosen as an advertising person just such a drug. Perhaps a few years ago, when I was actively engaged in secular television journalist, I would agree to this contract. But now it's quite difficult for me to imagine myself in this role. I am serious business - lead news, my image now does not fit at all with the advertisement of the drug to enhance potency. And why choose bread from colleagues. Let the potency enhanced professionals - TV presenters, who work in the role of sexie-div. Lera Kudryavtseva or Anfisa Chekhov, for example, "said Alice Yarovskaya.

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