The key to understanding: how to work with complex colleagues


Working in a large (or not very) company, you always have a chance to face colleagues with whom you will hardly find mutual understanding. Your task in such a difficult situation is to avoid conflict that can seriously affect your career in this company. But how to resist a colleague that does not miss the case to hurt you, counting on your negative reaction? We tried to figure out.

Examine your "enemy"

If you feel that professional relationships are glowing, do not strive to completely get away from communication. On the contrary, try to learn as much as possible about your problematic colleague: so you will have more chances to find a common language, and you will have to do it, because you are doing one thing. Do not demonize your colleague, perhaps a person is experiencing problems that do not give him to focus on positive. Of course, the personal problems do not justify him, and still make a discount on human imperfection.

Learn to switch to professional mode

It is important to understand that none of us can boast a strong nervous system, especially if we live in a big city, where existence implies constant tension, which naturally leads to chronic stress and all sorts of breakdowns. Instead of accuse a colleague in hot spirits, think how you can handle your emotions at this moment. Professional distinguishes the ability to suppress the lave out of the negative and find a strategy that will help solve the conflict and avoid interrupting the workflow.

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Do not participate in the discussion of woven


Do not "Load" on trifles

According to statistics, 60% of the Americans admitted that they are most of all stress in the workplace, even if professional activities themselves are quite satisfied. If you understand perfectly, what causes such discomfort, and they themselves encountered a similar situation, try not to exacerbate the condition in which communication with colleagues leads. Why do you need additional experiences? Avoid participation in the discussion of the gossip, stick to the neutral position and try to stop all attempts to "share with you the news of the office." Take care of your immediate responsibilities.

Keep yourself in your hands in any situation

Probably the most important thing in the conflict situation that cannot be avoided is to learn how to control your emotions. It happens that you come to work in a bad mood, where you are already waiting for another stimulus in the form of a "favorite" colleague. In such a situation, it is very easy to break, that is why it is important to learn how to cope with the negative overwhelming you. You should break out once and the problem colleague will become already you, do you need it?

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