We are looking for friends after 30


When we are young, we are constantly surrounded by people, one of them remains familiar, and others pass throughout life. However, not everyone is lucky to meet a person close to spirit. The older we become, the less people remain in our telephone contacts. By the age of 30, we suddenly understand that in the evening on Friday it is not even with anyone to drink coffee: someone is busy, and with someone you just lost the connection. In this case, it remains to look for new buddies.

But they are easy to find, using social networks

But they are easy to find, using social networks

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Try happiness in thematic communities

Now it is much easier to find a friend of interests than, let's say, 10 years ago, because the social network has significantly simplified life.

Now it is enough to choose the desired category, and the search engine will offer you options that meet your interests. Join these communities, be active, and you will definitely notice "Material" participants, especially if you write akin to the detailed comments.

You can join a professional community where people constantly ask councils and simply communicate, throwing out funny pictures, understandable only to people from the same sphere. Try to show the activity there, and you will see how quickly you will gather to communicate.

In addition, in social networks you can find a person with whom they have long lost connections and would like to try to establish contact. Write, find out how are you.

Do not use fake names

You have much more chances to attract people to your page if your real name is. Agree, it is not very pleasant to guess who is hiding behind the mythical nickname, and suspicions arise about the reality of the page.

Sometimes we can not even go to the cafe

Sometimes we can not even go to the cafe

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Photos should also be yours

Psychologists are extremely recommended to put an animal, objects or plants on the avatar. It also pursues the idea that you have something to hide. People at the subconscious level attracts openness, so do not hide from the world. If you really want to boast something, just lay out the photo, but do not make it profile.

Tell me about yourself

The page, where in the "About myself" stated "Details on a personal acquaintance", make a person just close your profile and never return to it. And how can someone else have a conversation, if you don't know anything about you at all? In addition, hashtags came up with no just like this: add them to your posts, so people with similar interests will be easier to find you.

Write the first

Do not think that you can reject you. This option is possible, but you will never know if you do not try. Anyone is intended to doubt somehow anyway. Take the initiative to your hands, and perhaps this person will become your constant interlocutor, and later you will meet in real life.

Do not walk at home, go out

Do not walk at home, go out "in the light"

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Go out "in the light"

Many are afraid to walk one by one, as we see either a couple, or the company of friends, therefore, passing by, involuntarily feel the feeling of awkwardness for their privacy. Again, to a conversation about openness to the world: you learned that today they show a completely interesting film, but to go to you, as usual, not with anyone. Write a post in social networks that you go to such a movie and do not mind if you constitute a company. Be sure to stand hashtegi. On the other hand, it is not a fact that the company will be enjoyable to you, but here you need to act with the method of trial and errors, the more the Internet makes it possible to view the profile of the right person in advance.

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