Vensean Kassel: "We are too different animals with monica"


Future Mr. The contradiction was born in the Paris family Kroshon (the real name of the actor), the father and mother of the boy were extremely religious. Vensen himself, though attended a Catholic school, but it remained indifferent to the Word of God. By 1991, when Cassel was fulfilled twenty-five years, he first appeared on the screen - the debut became an episodic role in the picture "Keys of Paradise". He is famous for his work in the film "Hate" Mother Cassovitsa. "I told Mathieu, that was never a difficult teenager, did not rebel, did not live on the streets and did not hold the pistol at home under the pillow. He replied to me briefly: "Not s." After the role in the "hatred" behind the cassel, the role was entrenched, which he uses to this day, - daring, unpredictable, brutal macho capable of terrible actions of the charming scam. Two years ago, the favorite of the European public was divorced - his fourteen-year-old love story with one of the most beautiful women of modernity, Monica Bellucci, came to an end. There are still rumors that former spouses sometimes spend time together. By the way, the destroyed marriage did not prevent the cassel career at all. Only in 2015 he was planned six (!) Premier. The most expected now is the picture "My King", presented at the past Cannes Festival. It is announced as a "passionate and difficult story of love."

Vensen, probably you asked about it repeatedly, and yet ... how do you explain that you constantly offer the roles of sewing villains, charming bastards and scum?

Vensean Kassel: "Well, you understand, the world is not divided into black and white. And in good movie heroes are not one-dimensional. Therefore, my "bad guys" are not so bad if you look at them at a different angle. I always think I can do for my character, as I can deepen his character, give the viewer a chance to understand the reason for his actions. For example, my Vince in "Hate" ... He doesn't care at all! He is displeased, he rushes, he is a rebellion by nature. Is it possible to say that it is "bad"? Most of us are angry from time to time. Here are such angry men I play. Another funny moment: if in France, they give me neutral characters, then Hollywood producers see me exclusively as a villain. I found a way to resist this - I just make my heroes at times steeper good and cute guys. Perhaps someday I will play Buddha. " (Laughs.)

In the "Black Swan" you play far from the Buddha - an ideal manipulator. Did you ever do something similar to you?

Vensen: "I'm already too old for such games! No manipulations, I would not fall to this. However ... there was a case, one, the only one when I tried to control the director. It's not very good. I will never work with him anymore, and he knows it perfectly. "

And who was this director?

Vensen: "Luc Besson, of course! The actors who were filmed in his paintings is called His Darth Vader. Such a dark side of force. "

In the Black Swan, Vensean played seductive scoundrel. With Natalie Portman. Frame from the film.

In the Black Swan, Vensean played seductive scoundrel. With Natalie Portman. Frame from the film.

Is he so terrible?


"I think it's just an image. But it is difficult to cooperate with this way. "

What is your image? What vices of the cassel prevent colleagues to work with him?

Vensen: "Well, I have vices, of course. Would I want to read about them in the journal? I do not think. Let's like this: I really like my shortcomings, but I will not tell you about them. "

Let's go on the other side. Although in something like you look like your, to put it mildly, bad characters?

Vensen: "You know, I probably, a damn good actor, since no one for my roles sees me very much. In general, I am a boy from an approximate family who did not know either grief, no poverty! The secret is to forget about myself during work, dissolve, disappear - and here is the disgusting type, voila! No one is interested in Kassel. Everyone is interested in a character for which the Kassel is not visible. "

You are one of those French actors who are waiting in Hollywood with open arms. Is it important for you to be demanded everywhere? Many of your compatriots neglect the American film industry, believing that she is far from the refinement and skill of the European cinema.

Vensen: "Negregate? Let's honestly - they are simply not called there! The French generally love to complain. Happy when new. French cinema today (and always) is excellent, but we will be frank - one role in the "Friends of Owen" provided me with such fame that could not give twenty films in France. Being necessary everywhere - great happiness. And those who say that he is pleased, being exclusively French actor - this is a lie! "

And with whom from the director of Hollywood would you like to work?

Vensen: "Such people have a huge amount. Let's just say - Martin Scorsese. In general, what a hell? We are about making a cool project, and not chat with a steep director. Those with whom I really wanted to rise, no longer live. "

And who are these unique personalities?

Vensen: "Federico Fellini and Louis Bunuel. Wonderful choice, it seems to me.

For a role in the "Enemy of State No. 1", you had to gain twenty extra kilos, and for the Black Swan - remember the classes of ballet ...

Vensen: "God, to play Merin, I re-opened my body. Growing a shaggy beard, drank two or three calorie cocktails per day. For the first time in my life I was so big - and I hope to last. The only plus of such a transformation is that on the streets people stopped noticing me. They just walked around, displeasantly firing. But, I will tell you, that period was terrible. I woke up with vomiting, my body screamed to me so that I would return to my natural state. But I remembered the ballet with joy - let yourself know yourself for years of training. Although it was in distant childhood. But the experience did not save me from corns, bruises and stretching - throughout the body, even on the hips, neck and lower back. "

By the way, about your childhood and youth. You are talking everywhere that they grew in a very prosperous family, there were no difficult child ... where did you come from the press on your stormy youth?

Vensen: "My early childhood was cloudless. But by thirteen years, parents divorced, spoiled relations with her father. To sixteen I was excluded from two lyceums. At that time, there were too many girls around me, too much drugs. And as a result, abortions, overdose ... Father threatened me with a rehabilitation clinic, but I convinced him that he would stop himself, and came to the circus school. Conflicts continued to have before the last days of his life. I was obsessed with fear of becoming similar. And this is the most role in the "enemy of the state" when I was huge and shaggy, turned everything in me - I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that I was not lost anywhere from my father, because I was poured. He was even going to play my father, but got sick on the eve of filming. I visited him in the hospital, where he was lying with cancer. Then I asked him, whether he was confident that he wanted to play the role of a character who dies from oncology on a bed in the clinic. He smiled and answered: "Well, Vensean, I think it will be a very good role." Soon he died. "

Vensean Kassel:

For the sake of the role in the thriller "Enemy state number 1", Venasan had to recover by twenty kilograms. Frame from the film.

If we started talking about personal life, it is difficult not to mention your union with Monica Bellucci ...


"Yes, Monica. Everyone and always ask me about her. It was beautiful fourteen years, we have two daughters and a whole life, leaving together. What can I say? I admire it exactly how I admired when I met. Then I cried out: "There may be such a thing!" - After all, she embodies Women Fellini. I know, everyone says, but I fell in love with her from the first look. "

And how did you get together with Monica? Still, complex roles in the "irreimity" could already then put an end to your marriage. Remember Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman and their sad experience of too intimate filming in "with widespread eyes"! And then there were still eight pictures where you worked side by side.

Vensen: "Well, all our cooperation did not just not put an end to anything, but, on the contrary, strengthened the relationship! Many times I heard from the actors that they do not like to play in the same picture with their spouse. And for me, so working with someone who you love - fun and effectively. Look at the history of the Great - Federico Fellini and Juliet Mazin, Scorsese and his favorite de Niro, Laurel and Hardy - and at one time we were such an inseparable and beautiful pair. With Monica in front of the cameras, I could do such things that would not repeat any other actress - intimate, even depraved. I remember, in one double I spat her face. This is what you can make exclusively with your wife. Joint work extends marriage. Serge Genssburg somehow said that the cinema is too sensual to leave their own woman in this matter without supervision. So I did not leave. "

So why did you break up?

Vensen: "Because we are with Monica - very different animals. And do not strive for the approval of the crowd. Our differences held us together for a long time, and in the end we were divorced - what's this? We are still friends, still loved people. Someone spoke about my allegedly wrongfulness - they say, it was she who caused our parting. Nonsense! We are higher than this. Store loyalty without passion, respect and devotion - just a waste of time and life. And sex is just sex. Americans are inclined to dramatize and simplify. We are more realistic and close to our nature. And our motto with Monica has always been such - today we are together, and we will see tomorrow. "

You were married for so many years on one of the most beautiful women of the planet. Are there tips for the male population? What conclusions did you do, with what result did this fourteen-year-old race ended?

Vensen: "Women? Hmm ... I'm still working on this topic. Still learning. I will say this: be happy that they are what they are around. Women are salt and pepper of life. What makes me wake up in the morning - even more and more important than my work. Actually".

What about tips for those who are just starting their career in cinema? Are there any instructions?

Vensen: "Do not bother on what you wear. Be restrained and elegant, but not at the bottom. Executive sports and in no case are not fat. Live here and now, catch the moment! "

Vensen, today you are forty-eight years old. Can you trace your way and tell how to change during this time?

Vensen: "The approach of old age is a very good thing. Suddenly, you begin to understand what you really like that you really want and love. And you have no time for pretense. Now I have money to implement all my desires and fantasies. Well, I'm still strong enough to do most of my favorite things. "

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