For weekends in a clear pool


Tolstoy settled in a clear clearing immediately after the wedding. Nikolai Ilyich, father of the future writer, completed the house in which his family settled. The married couple has five children, Lev Nikolaevich was the fourth child. After the death of the parents there was a section of property between children, and a clear glade went to Tolstoy. Subsequently, he expanded one of the flibels, where he lived for more than 50 years, and created a majority of his works in it.

During the civil war, when the noble estates were burned throughout Russia, the peasants did everything to protect the clear clearing from the pogrom from respect to the memory of the Great Writer. The house was set fire, but it was able to put out and renovated. Interior items are genuine and retain the atmosphere of Lion's Lion Nikolayevich and his loved ones.

What to see:

Reserved territory

The territory of the clear clearing is quite large. Here you can take a walk, enjoying intact and restored buildings.

House Museum of Lion Tolstoy

In the museum you can see the household items, personal clothes, furniture, placed as it was in the times of life Tolstoy, books and even a collection of business cards of people who communicated with the writer.


This building appeared on the economic yard, in the grandfather of Lion Tolstoy, Prince Volkonsky, at the beginning of the XIX century. Horses were passion and lion thick, he was a great rider. In the Jointland Stables still live horses.

Lion's grave Tolstoy

The grave of the writer is in the woods of the old order on the edge of the ravine. So wished Tolstoy himself. Over the grave, a small holmik embellished, whispering greens. Here you will not even see the Cross, as the writer asked him to bury it as modest and without any celebrations.

How to get:

By bus from Prazhskaya metro stations, "Tsaritsyno", "Domodedovskaya", "ul. Academician Yangel "to stop" ul. Mosina "in Tula. Put on buses No. 114, 117, 280 to the "Clear Polyana" or "School" stop.

By train from Kursk railway station to Tula station. Further, from the Moscow railway station, Tula to a clear Polyana Trolleybus No. 5 before the "Pedaging Institute" stop, and then buses No. 114, 117, 280 before the "Clear Polyana" or "School" stop.

How much is:

The entrance ticket to the territory will cost 50 rubles for students and pensioners, 100 rubles for adults and free for children under 16. Excursions - from 250 rubles. All sorts of master classes are offered from 100 rubles per person.

Where to eat:

The cafe "Prelbekt" is located near the entrance to the territory of the Museum-Manor. The two dining rooms are decorated with the Yaspolyansky Department of Folk Creativity. In addition to traditional Russian cuisine dishes, you will be offered dishes on the recipes of Sofia Andreevna Tolstoy. The most famous of them is Ankkovsky Pie - Favorite Festive Dessert Family Family.

Restaurant "Noble Manor" is located on the territory of the hotel complex "Clear Polyana". Visitors serve fresh bread baked in the recipes of Canadian dukobor, from its own bakery.

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