5 laws that often violate tourists, not suspect


In most civilized societies, laws are approximately the same. It is enough to remember the biblical commandments: not stolen, do not kill, do not see someone else's wife - and everything will be fine with you. However, in some states their ideas about what is good, and what is bad. In a number of countries, an unprepared tourist can get into an unpleasant situation, threatening, at best, deportation, but maybe the death penalty.

Law No. 1.

In Thailand, Egypt and others, such countries we are going because of an interesting beautiful sea. It is so delight when the fish float at a distance of an elongated hand. And what beautiful shells and corals! You can take with you home as a souvenir. It is impossible! None in any country can not be touched (and even more so harm) corals. In the already mentioned Thailand, such violations will have to pay from 4 thousand dollars.

Do not touch corals

Do not touch corals


Law No. 2.

Remember, the East is thin, and choosing gorgeous beaches of the UAE be prepared for some restrictions. In 2014, another appeared. No, in this case, we are not about women's open costumes, but about our love to find out the relationship with each other in public. Here you are not Italy, here they are deported to you on the street, and they will not find out who was right in the dispute. By the way, the locals in such a situation pay a fine, and not small. Well, as for morality, avoid hugging and kissing in Dubai - you can be in the police.

In the Emirates it is not accepted

In the Emirates it is not accepted


Law number 3.

If the American is difficult to imagine without chewing gum, then in Singapore it is under the strictest ban. The law has been operating since 1992. For the sale of a merchant's gum can be imprisoned for 2 years and recover a fine to 100 thousand dollars. Of course, as in any law there is an exception - special medical records can be written by a doctor, and sell them only in a pharmacy.

In Singapore, forget about the gum

In Singapore, forget about the gum


Law No. 4.

On some Islands of the Caribbean region there is a dress code. You do not succeed here to run in camouflage pants, hiding behind the palm trees - a military uniform forbidden on the caribbeans. For a spotted jacket you can arrest. This is done so that you can distinguish the real soldiers from fake.

On the caribbean form is not needed

On the caribbean form is not needed


Law No. 5.

We often love, without waiting for the resolution of the traffic light, run on the "red". What? There are no cars. In the United States, in some states, with the first similar offense you threaten a large fine. When repeated - imprisonment.

In New York, do not run across the road

In New York, do not run across the road


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