8 habits that make you happy


Look around the street - how many people smile? Most of us are forever frowning, concerned about the urgent problems and expectation of the weekend. Surely you want your life to change, since we decided to read this article. Good news! Change the usual way of life easier than it seems, you just need to reconsider our views on the world and change the habit.

Optimism comes from the brain

We are the creators of our happiness - this is the truth. It is under our control that there is perception of any problem and the search for its solution. However, it is much more complicated by an optimist than it seems. Watching energy to creation, and not self-destruction, you overnight find the output. Think about people who really have big problems - lack of water, hunger or incurable disease - still think that a quarrel with her husband is worth named by depression? Read high-quality books, engage in sports, watch the health - time to "self-confidence" will not remain. Drive the Diary of Gratitude - Every day, write down in the notebook 3 "Thank you" to yourself and the surrounding people. This practice helps to find a point of the support when it would seem, everything was worse.

Focus on the plus

First of all, you need to find pluses in every unexpected turn of life, to believe that everything is solved and any problem of time - only in this case you can configure yourself to the right wave. It is strange that people will faster answer the question of their problems than about daily joys. Think how much beautiful you are surrounded by hourly - your children and your beloved husband, sunny weather, an interesting conversation with a colleague and even delicious coffee in a nearby cafe. Changing your view on the world, you will change internally - you will become calmer and focusing, you will begin to resolutely abandon what the suffering brings you, and we will gladly agree to pleasant classes.

Find pluses in everything

Find pluses in everything

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Put the responsibility for yourself

Remember how many times did you blame the circumstances in failures? Each of us at least sometimes, but still relies on everyone around, except for themselves. Having accepted the idea that we and only we define our lives would be much easier to act. You will learn not only to be responsible and do not ask for advice from friends and colleagues, but also be able to relate to failures - just like the experience, and not a great disappointment. All this cansize you for further activity, and not a gentle cake of pity in relation to yourself.

Learn New

Education not only gives us useful knowledge that are effective in practice, but also changes the way of thinking. It becomes more flexible and open to experiments in all aspects - from personal life to a career and hobby. Receiving new knowledge expands the borders by providing new opportunities to cross over the borders of the comfort zone. Do not be afraid to get out of the "mink" and try unusual - who knows how it will end? Remember that take a step back easier, so you have nothing to be afraid - act!

learning gives new opportunities

learning gives new opportunities

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Do not compare yourself with others

Slimming instagram tape, you will see a girlfriend Lena for the hundredth time, which once again went to the sea with a handsome boyfriend, while you are freezing in the office? Do not rush to make a voodoo doll! Calm down and think that you really upset - a saturated life of a friend or unsaturated your? Comparison of your life with someone else is only anxiety and stress. Instead of competing with your peers, compete with you and strive to grow and become better every day. Everyone has its own way on which obstacles meet - ideal can only be picture in instagram.

Find the best friend inside yourself

No wonder psychologists believe that in a strong family, the parents in the first place are in the first place they themselves and only then children. This is true at least because the child needs an example - the person he will respect and who admire. If you yourself do not know with yourself - you are nervous in trifles, constantly grumble and angry - what to talk about? Practice care of yourself, learn to put your needs in the first place and take yourself as you are. The only thing that matters is height and self-improvement, regardless of how old you are.

Love yourself

Love yourself

Photo: Pixabay.com.

Respect others

People are our mirror. Everything that we pay attention to them, one way or another reflects us. A person who loves and respects himself will not be sad and snapped on others. None healthy attitude were built without this durable foundation. Create a flowering environment around yourself - surround interesting and motivated people with a strong character, and not whining, bore and void.

Learn to forgive

Yes. This is hard. However, no one asks you to take a back of the offender - leave the past where it is a place, that is, behind. You need to work on your emotions - to understand that you have grown in the situation that you have learned from it and how internally changed. Unrecognized insult, like a bleeding wound, constantly provokes us to painful memories and related rethinking of our actions. Stop blame yourself and think: "What if?" Do not keep pain in yourself - write a letter to the offender, and then burn it. Believe me, you will become easier.

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