What do you need to teach a child to school


While the child did not go to the first class, he spends all his time either with you, parents, or in kindergarten, where, how to say, there are no stringent requirements for children, except for the routine of the day. But with the arrival in the first class, the situation changes dramatically, and the child is quite difficult to adapt to the new environment. Your task is to help him survive this process as less painfully. We picked up a few tips so that your recreates quickly adapt to the new setting.

Game teaches basic life things

Game teaches basic life things

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

It is important to play according to the rules

From an early age, a person knows life through the game. It is on how good the child can play, its further success depends. Seriously. Playing, children represent themselves in various situations, they live them, which in the future smoothly flows into full of adult situations. For example, any team games help the child to understand how to act in the team, he recognizes the rules and that it is impossible to break them.

Table and sports games are developing logic, thinking speed and physical form, respectively. Sports games with stiff rules work especially well in this regard, whose violation entails losing the entire team.

Learn when a child has a birthday

The essence is not to proudly declare at each step that he has a birthday, and demand congratulations and gifts. No, the idea is more simple - to teach the child to navigate in space and time. This will help not only organize the educational process, but also useful when the class starts to study the exact sciences.

Tie shoelaces

On the question of petty motor. You probably know that on how well the child's hands are listening to, his speech depends. Therefore, to take care of this issue even before school.

Don't be afraid to ask questions

Children always ask questions, however, the older they become, the more often they hear from adults "You're already big (" you are already being heard, it's time to look for an answer alone. " Thus, the child disappears any desire to ask anything, because he is afraid of it that he will not help him. The kid should understand that almost any obstacle can be overcome, just asking.

What is important to assimilate the child who has already gone or is going to go to school in the near future

No need to fit all

The class in an ordinary school, as a rule, consists of children of various social status and prosperity. Your child will more than once hear how someone returned from the trip abroad or what a steep phone was presented for his birthday. Explain that it doesn't matter where you spent holidays: Whether it is Spain or Babushkina Dacha. The main thing is that he spent them surrounded by relatives.

Each can be wrong

Each can be wrong

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Estimates - not the meaning of life

With this, many parents sin, especially young and those who have been an excellent student in childhood. Neither children's tears, nor the instructions of teachers, which they do, to put it mildly, are wrong and injured the psyche of the child.

Such parents can be advised not to dislike the child with a homework in mathematics, especially if the progress of other subjects appear to which the child has inclinations.

Let everyone says

The child should not be pumped if he has some problems with classmates or with teachers. Your baby should know that you always support it and wait on his side. Do not raise his dreams that he shares with you, otherwise the child will clict in himself and will stop trusting you.

No one is perfect, even you

Children, more often younger, wake up and encourage. In such an atmosphere, the child feels that the world is spinning around him, and does not make any emotional efforts to answer thanks. Do not wait for it to appreciate your "blind" love: you are doing only worse and, first of all, a child, since in the future it will definitely "break down".

Estimates - not the meaning of life

Estimates - not the meaning of life

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Mistakes don't talk about your mental abilities

Children, especially those who are brought up in an atmosphere of tough competition (for example, from an early age, the child participates in all sorts of activities, engaged in the sports section, in a creative studio, in general, where they require results), loss and failures are ocked as difficult. This is a whole tragedy. And if an adult is such a situation - a signal to the time to revise something in his actions, then the child is instantly disappointed in himself, because so many people hoped for him. With school subjects, the same thing happens: as soon as the child receives a reprimand or a bad assessment, he begins to blame himself too much. Again, let us understand that you are always ready to help and that there is no such an item that could not be mastered.

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