Yuri Stoyanov: "I am already compared with stainless steel"


This summer, Yuri Stoyanov noted the sixtieth anniversary. Lush celebrations are scheduled for autumn, and while the popular actor spoke about modern castings, Mate in the mouth of a woman and its age.

- Let's start with a round date. Tell me what age is?

- age is very hard to feel and realize. But except when you will accidentally see your classmate. (Laughs.)

- The man inside itself does not realize when it turns 40, 50, 60?

- Absolutely! It may be such a terrible mystery of a person that the age of himself is not impaired, he is understandable to others. Perhaps there are some physical limitations - how much can you run, how much can you play football in time. But inside his shell, a person looks at the world just as he looked thirty years ago. It's true! But age you need to learn to feel. Otherwise, you can become ridiculous, funny, tragic.

- As noted who was invited, where were celebrated?

- I will celebrate in October. There is no one summer. It is meaningless to arrange some banquets. Naturally, we celebrated in family. They were abroad, rested in Greece, well, and tasty noted in the amount of six people. (Smiles.) And I want with friends with everyone. This will be in October.

- Five years have passed, as your partner on the "town" Ilya Oleynikov passed. The pain of loss subsided or not?

- Oh. Of course, the pain subsided, and the loss is intense.

- What did you think about the first days when it did not?

- The acting profession has such a concept as an assessment. This is how you perceive events. You know, it was very prolonged, a very long estimate. I remember that it was necessary to do something. Even some meaningless things. It was a feeling that you need to work so that there was no feeling of interruption of life. But it was all illusory. It was a mechanical attempt to take himself something. No more. But thank God that I did not disappear as a result.

Yuri Stoyanov:

"Town" with Stoyanov and Oleinikov became the classics of Russian television. Reincarnation of leading - real acting victories

You know, I now think about the most important result in my relations with Ilya, who may be in that and it is that it was he who taught me how not to be lost, not lost. This is a very great meaning of our relationship. This conclusion can be done. After all, before meeting with him, I was, how to say it, slightly breakdown, or something. (Laughs.) I never thought about tomorrow. I was interested only today. I lived slightly ravenly, I was very uncertain in myself, I did not know how to seek words to this day. This verb is not from my help. But this is a feeling that we stand something and each individually too - only the result of our friendship. Of course. And that the abyss is the most stupid and meaningless thing to do.

- What is the partner for you today?

- I would asked this: What is partners? I am not looking for a permanent partner. This thought is missing. And there is no need for this. What is a partner for me at all? Without partner you are nobody! In any genre. Because the better the partner plays, the better you play. The stronger the partner, the stronger you. A good partner lifts you. Therefore, people who are fighting with a partner in a frame, envy him, lose weightlessly. There are such artists who, coming to the platform, should be charged with negative emotions. There are artists who must necessarily humiliate a partner so that in this background somehow to droop. But this is not my way.

- You take a lot. Recently ended the shooting of the TV series "Elusive" for NTV. What did you like, what did the role attracted?

- I starred, honestly doing my job. Played the head of the Odessa criminal investigation of the late fifties. Today, the sounds looked at the voiced slices and was surprised - I saw that I played one of my best roles.

- Oh how!

- Yes, telling the truth! I rarely like myself, but I really liked myself. (Laughs.) Real Odessans. Classical.

- I know that you also liked working on the role in the film "12" Nikita Mikhalkov ...

- And I'm not moving at all in movies in which I do not like to work on the role. I would even say that: I try! It does not always work, but I try.

- In this case, what films do not you on the floor?

- Well, there is, for example, one picture, this is until the answer is not on your question that I feel terrible, that nobody saw it. She was removed director Konstantin Khudyakov. Based on Gogol. The film was called "Marevo". I played Ivan Nikiforovich. I have such a cool job! Nowhere showed. Somewhere something walks only on the Internet. So offend! This role is luxurious. I even called Oleg Basilashvili on some day and exclaimed: "Yurka, how did you play cool!" And he rarely calls for such reasons.

But about the fact that I am not at all the partition ... Something is completely frankly entertaining. Where are you at least blindness, but laugh. I love to mix all the same in some other way, not forced to the holiday. So I just hinted that I mean all the New Year's "lights" and everything else.

Yuri Stoyanov:

In the new series "Elusive" Yuri Nikolaevich played the head of the Odessa criminal investigation of the end of the fifties

- In the "town" you had a lot of female images. In the movies and serials, directions are trying to use similar to your reincarnations?

- No never.

- And not offered?

- Now I remember again. No never. Well, they do it right. I would not agree.

- Do you miss these diverse roles today?

"You yourself must have it, diverse, to offer, let's say." I do not know the director who could be something very interesting to offer, and he would refuse. Although the directions who take me, they know what they are going. And those who do not remove me, those do not remove me, because they do not want to fight with the inertia of perception with the viewer. (Smiles.) Therefore, film processions begin, talk, they say, let's see. Type exams sue, and we sit here, let's see.

- You, I know, do not like film processing?

- I gave myself a word not to participate more in this. Everything! Now I, the fool, last went on the buddy. Persuaded me. It seemed to me the correct arguments. He said: "You see, Yura, these are young producers, for forty years. They were twenty when they watched the "town" program, and remember that you were already elderly in it. They have elemental interest - they want to understand how you look today? " I say: "Tell me what I look good!"

In his pilot new program, which I removed, I was very skeptical and strictly watched myself and the difference between what was five years ago, when the "town" ended. And I did not see any difference. Neither I'm in the frame, nor the operator, nor my makeup. No additional means, the grima we needed. So, about samples. Then it turned out that four more artists were tried with me. What is it? How else are you four? This means that there is no complete understanding of what they want from this role. For me, this is a manifestation of helplessness. Because the distribution of roles is already the concept of how you see the movie. And if you call four different artists for each age role, it means that you are empty in your head! And you are waiting for a miracle from the sky. That's all. This is a producer weakness, from my point of view. And unpreparedness. I am ready to try the days when you need to try a role, search for a character, and not be a girl on the podium, which is considered in the frame. There I am ready to work with the director today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, here - no. We are looking for a role or want to please the forty years old producer? This is not my way. All, I tie with these samples. Dosvidos!

- A long time ago, the famous director Averbach said about you: "Good artist, but with uncertain appearance." How did you perceive his words?

- Better to say how I took their consequences. (Laughs.) The consequences were very protracted. And heavy for me. You know, because it said a big director, it said an outstanding director, it said a grand director. But I well done, because I did not agree with him. (Laughs.) I, on the contrary, listened to him. And made conclusions. What seemed to be weak from the point of view of the movie, I turned into my strong side. With "uncertain," it means that I can play a lot of different people. That's all.

- popularity came to you in adulthood. Is it possible to say that you know her price?

- Oh yeah! The price of her approximately 17-18 years is not inaction, but downtime. Full abnormality. Despair. And great hope after all. Here is the price to her. I am a man of great work. I always worked a lot.

Together with the third spouse, Elena actor and TV presenter finally gained family happiness

Together with the third spouse, Elena actor and TV presenter finally gained family happiness

Gennady Avramenko

- The family helps in creativity?

- I'm afraid of a family that helps in creativity. (Laughs.) I know these female companions who constantly tell her husband-actor: "You have played Ge-alone!" I will not call names. In my family, I absolutely absent is not just a cult, but even some hint of it. But this is a family where you love you, where you understand and where you are supported. And in which there is a lot of humor and self-irony - it saves. What else is needed?

- There is no one family for you, or still have friends?

- Interest Ask. You can not divide the world on friends and on the family. And you can not weigh, who is more expensive - friends or family. Why? Is it such opposition - or friends, or family? Not! This is not true! Of course, I have friends, but there are few of them. And they are not necessarily artists.

- You have a lot of children ...

- How much? Yes, not so much, it happens more. (Laughs.)

- Are you caring dad?

- I do not consider myself an ideal dad. My children know more. I do everything in my power. But so that I am directly climbing in the soul endlessly and participated in the choice of fate, no. They grow free people who choose their own way. My work is to help. And my business love them. Everything!

- What makes it pleases in children?

- I am glad that so far none of them become an artist. (Laugh.)

- Acting banned?

- Oh, listen, I have no prohibitions at all. No one ever told the children that you can't drink, it is harmful to smoke. But somehow no one drinks, does not smoke. And all decent people rose, very decent. And that I am very pleased with modest. And with household personal needs, too, everything is very modest and moderately. And all girls are conscientious. What is very important. So there are no prohibitions. There is an example of hard work. Here it exists. You understand: Rise up, do not bring up - the children will still look like you. Therefore, do it. And that's it. Such children will turn out.

- Somewhere I read that for some reason, you do not consider swearing expressions, but simply inserts in a conversation?

- No, not true, I did not say that. Never. It is abnormal and disgusting. Especially mat in the mouth of a woman. Equating this to the sparet of Portwesheka or something else from the female mouth. No, I said that, unfortunately, sometimes I didn't swear, but they talk to them, but it happens in sharp working moments. (Laughs.) And it seems to me that I do it beautifully. Sometimes intricately.

- There is an opinion if the actor jokes on the screen, he and at home the same. What are you in the family circle?

- Normal. Within the normal range. I'm kidding when I want to joke. Then when I'm ridiculous. I'm not kidding constantly, this is not a format of my life. This is a certain way to think, relate to the world, to life, to others. He expresses you in some paradoxical things that make people laugh. This is my profession and way to think, but this does not mean that I'm kidding constantly. What are you, God to get rid!

- What did the honorary title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation gave you?

- I never thought about it. Honestly. So you asked me, but I have no answer. I remember it was nice at that moment. BUT! Still, I will say that I gave it - they say, they will be buried at the expense of the state. (Laugh.)

- Tell me honestly, you are not tired by folk love? When you know on the street, ask autographs or to play together?

- This is a good word "folk love", she can not be tired. And even better - "People's Respect". Love for us with Ilya never wore some hysterical nature. As to the stars of show business. It was always the good attitude of the viewer to us as a neighbor, as to a person who lives in a television box, which is always next to you. Therefore, it, the attitude, was never enthusiastic, hysterical, it was always good. It can not be tired. Why? This is part of the profession, this is what you have sought many, many years ago. And what now, run from it? Say, how is I tired? Erund all this! Today, a funny case happened. I am going along the street, the guy is suitable, Dagestan, and says: "Can I take a picture with you?" - "Yes please!" He brought Selfie, I see in the screen that I have something wrong with my head, I look bad, I think I will make it hurt. Happy, and he says: "You are a stainless steel! Always look equally good! " I really liked it. While this is the largest compliment that I heard the day before, a day and after my sixtieth anniversary.

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