4 main mental disorders of our time


Probably the most relevant theme for any resident of the metropolis - mental disorders. Although very many people like to attribute disorders, considering mental illness very romantic phenomenon and a sign of some aristocracy. However, in fact, in the spiritual disorder (real) there is nothing romantic. We suggest to consider the most common mental disorders in the modern world.

Sometimes the disease can hide for years

Sometimes the disease can hide for years

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


Depression is very often "masked" under the seasonal Handra and a bad mood, so a person can live and not suspic what it's time for him to turn to a specialist, instead we write off the depressed state of bad weather, magnetic storms and failures in life.

The main symptoms of depression are:

- low mood without visible reasons that persists longer than two weeks.

- Low or, on the contrary, an increased appetite, drowsiness or its complete absence, fatigue even at rest.

Scientists still cannot find out the exact cause of this dangerous disorder, at the moment they explain it to the failure of the exchange processes of neurotransmitters. With a reduced number of neurotransmitters, the brain cannot function correctly.

The main neurotransmitters that are necessary for the proper work of the brain and, as a result, the lack of depression are dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. For their education, the doctor must appoint individual antidepressants who have a cumulative effect, so they are prescribed by courses.

In addition to drugs, a course of therapy is appointed, primarily cognitive-bicheological. There are no side effects in such therapy, and it can be continued even after the cancellation of medicines.

The doctor can register physical exertion to calm the soul

The doctor can register physical exertion to calm the soul

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Syndrome deficit attention

Many believe that exclusively children suffer from this disorder, however, and a large number of adults are trying to get rid of it. Nevertheless, the number of adult patients visiting the psychotherapist with this violation is only 4-5%.

What should alert you:

- It is difficult for you to stop in place, because of what you can not focus on work.

- It is difficult to build plans and their consequences you can not realize.

Probably the only plus of this disorder - people with ADHD are very mobile, creative and easily go to the risk, which can be useful in some professions.

For the treatment of this syndrome, a course of psychotherapy and the use of stimulants is currently applied. Doctors can also register patients more physical exertion to remove increased activity.

In some situations, the specialist help is needed

In some situations, the specialist help is needed

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Asperger Syndrome

So the term is called the messenger form of autism. These people are practically different from all others, but it is difficult for them to establish links and adhere to the established orders. In the childhood age, such people can be recognized by sedentary facial expressions and quite inexpressive intonations. They are very attached to the place, and they are hardly given any moving, even short-term, so you will not meet a person with this service syndrome and professions related to business trips.

They are frightened by loud sounds and strong light, anxiety often manifests itself.

Unfortunately, the drugs from this disorder do not exist, it is possible only to try to adapt life to itself and try as little as possible to fall into stressful situations.

Border disorder

These people are mistakenly considered explosive and aggressive, but in fact it is a real mental problem. The mood of such a person changes faster than the teapot will boil.

It is characterized by impulsiveness and tendency to various kinds of dependencies, ranging from alcohol and ending with painful affection for people.

Inside such a person is going on complete chaos, and to at least somehow bring their feelings in order, he breaks down on others. We will not say how hard it is to get along with such a "frame" on one territory.

Experts argue that in most cases the disorder is provoked by the strongest shock in childhood, for example, violence or death of someone from loved ones.

As with the previous syndrome, there is no medicine from the border disorder, you can only fight with him under the guidance of a psychologist, who at least for some time will help you correct the behavior and thinking. If you notice such manifestations from your child, do not pull a visit to the doctor.

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