Nikita Presnyakov debuted as director


- Tamerlan, congratulations on your debut! Have you walked for a long time?

- Thank you! I walked to this for a long time and stubbornly, because I loved music before my birth. My dad placed headphones with the Music Depeche Mode to Mama Belly, when she was pregnant. At 17, I became instead of the father guitarist "A-Studio". And then went to receive education.

- You studied singing in London, and in the production case - in Los Angeles. We can say that the song and the clip "tasty" is your thesis?

- Rather, the song, and the clip is the merit of Nikita Presnyakova.

- Why did you invite you to Nikita's video as director?

- We are friends with him for about two years. And although our fathers were big comrades, before that, I did not communicate with Nikita. Accidentally met in the karaoke bar and go fine! (Laughs.) After - met in America, I have at home in Los Angeles. Excellent spent time: they played a lot on musical instruments, entertained.

Nikita Presnyakov debuted as director 35479_1

Favorite Girl Nikita Presnyakov Aida took part in the shooting. According to Tamerlan: "She is a very kind, responsive person and a wonderful model for the clip." .

- You both studied in the US, and why did you decide to shoot in Kazakhstan?

- Everything turned out spontaneously - we just turned out to be in Kazakhstan in cases. Nikita really liked the song "Tasty". I offered him to take a clip, and he caught fire for this idea, came up with a script. The word "tasty" in this song personifies the taste of life and friendship. We tried to say that you need to enjoy life, savor it, experiment.

- shooting was carried out in canyons, but not America, and Kazakhstan.

- And, by the way, the beauty and magnitude of Kazakhstani canyons are not inferior to American. But it was difficult. We were very nervous, since it was not immediately found suitable equipment, lacked some equipment, in particular, reflectors. But Nikita coped. In addition, it was terribly hot. Many guys became bad, did not cost without sunshine. And I got lost in the canyon! Very frightened, wandered for several hours and almost died of thirst. From despair, the first thought that came to me in the head was: "Damn, the first video will not remove", and then: "God, I don't want to die so early!" But as a result, everything ended well.

- What do you think your dad would be proud of your work?

"I am sure that dad and now proud of me." Like all my relatives. For me, the opinion of loved ones is always very important. I apply a lot of effort to what I do. It seems to me that if you really do something to do it well or not to do at all. I hope my relatives and loved ones see my efforts and appreciate my work.

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