Spa-sand hair!


When it comes to spa, imagination draws "Sweet" pictures: Gentle music, pleasant flavors, flickering candles ... You are in a pleasant Nege, and your skin is chewed with a variety of creams, each of which is a real "delicacy". In such an atmosphere, I want to forget about everything and plunge into the world of incredible sensations. And if previously spa treatments were held in the literal sense of the word on the waters, that is, on healing sources, today this concept has expanded significantly, and the range of services has increased with it. Of course, the spa manicure or spa pedicure is no longer surprised, in contrast

from spas care hair.

For most clients, it is a very tempting highlight in the extensive list of standard hairdressers. Each salon has its own original recipe: making masks, sera, massage, cold and hot appliqués and, of course, aromatherapy. Only one rule remains unchanged, namely, the motto "closer to nature." After all, Hair-SPA is not just the application of special preparations, but also a fundamentally different composition of this product. It is based on a deep knowledge of phytotherapy, aromatherapy and homeopathy, and extractive extracts and aromatic oils are used as the main ingredients in these lines. Strict taboo is imposed on artificial smells, dyes and materials of animal origin - all cosmetics are based on natural components. This is explained by her truly unique impact, allowing to provide full-fledged care and solve almost any problem. The main plus Hair-SPA lies in the fact that your hair becomes not just beautiful, but also healthy.

"The right selected spa care is capable of much," says Olga Antonova, a stylist-technologist of Sharm Distribuschn. - Even exhausted seasons or constant experiments, hair is literally transformed in their eyes, become smooth, shiny and silky. But the main plus of such procedures is that if you become visiting the salon regularly, as well as enjoy special cosmetics and at home, the effect will only increase. In addition to the application of special masks, sera and oils, an integral and very pleasant stage of spa care of hair is a head massage in combination with aromatherapy. It improves blood circulation, which helps to strengthen hair, relaxes, relieves stress and irritation. And of course, the atmosphere itself is very important, where procedures are carried out. Loud, rhythmic music, constant conversations, vanity if not canceled, then significantly reduce the effect of the procedures, because to achieve it, the client must fully relax and trust a specialist. Another advantage of Hair-SPA lies in the minimum time spent. If the body procedures require the execution of certain stages, including the adoption of the soul, the same mask plus massage will take you no more than half an hour,

And the result will be obvious. To accelerate the effect in the salons, heat is often used, for example, klemason or hot towels wrapping. "

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As for the components used in Hair-SPA, this is usually extracts of all kinds of plants, including algae, which include whole cocktails of various micro elements and vitamins. Mud masks are very popular, as well as oil applications - both hot and cold. The peculiarity of the "oil" care is that this product has the widest range of action, that is, it provides maximum care of both the hair itself and the skin of the head, because oil is a real miracle of nature, a natural concentrate of vitamins and a set of biologically active substances. The course of 5-10 procedures provides complete regeneration of hair, damaged by numerous staining or clarification, contributes to the strengthening of hair onions, increases the resistance to aggressive environmental impact, which is especially important in city life, as well as when traveling to warm countries. Oils normalize the hydrolyphid barrier, the hair structure is compacted, the sequencing tips glue, increase the elasticity of strands, give them special softness and smoothness, enhance the gloss and color saturation, feed with the useful substances. Oil procedures are also ideal for dry and hard on nature (especially

For curly, which are constantly confused and damaged).

"In the spas care hours, macadamia and argan oils are increasingly used," says Olga Antonova. - Their rich composition makes it possible to provide optimal care even in the most serious cases, for example, in violation of the hair structure after intensive lightening or frequent poor-quality staining.

These oils contain vitamin E, group vitamins B, RR, rich in microelements (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, zinc, selenium, copper), proteins and fats, linoleic and oleic fatty acids. The antioxidant effect of argan oil is based on the presence of a huge amount of tocopherol - vitamin E, which is even more contained than in classic components - Olive oil and wheat germs oil. Macadamia oil is not in vain called therapeutic oil, because it does not just give the hair well-kept species, but also affects their structure itself, feeding from the inside necessary vitamins and amino acids. For example, oil-care Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment from the Macadamia Natural Oil line from the company "Charm Distribution" can be used as a spa care to restore dry, damaged by discoloration or chemical haircuts, since this drug has regenerating, nutritious, moisturizing and protective Action, satures the necessary trace elements, inflicts a powerful blow to fragility and dryness. Hair becomes elastic and acquire a healthy shine. The procedure using such a drug does not take much time - it takes about 15 minutes. Oil-care can be added to the hair dye to enhance the saturation of color and hair protection, turning the traditional procedure into a magnificent spa care.

Another spa product submitted by Charm Distribution is a HAIR-SPA series based on two oils: argan and hemp. These drugs are produced in two versions: for thin hair (light) and for medium and hard hair, including curly from nature. Now the range has been replenished with two types of shampoos and air conditioners (restoring and moisturizing

For two species of sprays), as well as two species of sprays. Hemp oil is a real storehouse of carotene, proteins, phytosterols, phospholipids, minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, iron, zinc) and vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D). It is often referred to as dry oil, as it has a high penetrating ability, absorbed without a residue and leaves no greasy. It gives excellent hair, creates an invisible film that protects against external influences on their surface. Preparations from the Hair-SPA OIL series provide excellent care: the hair structure is compacted, normalize their hydrolypide barrier, strengthen the hair onions. They are intended for intensive restoration of weakened and damaged hair and complex care. It is important that the regular use of these products enhances protective hair function, helping them to resist the effects of ultraviolet solar radiation, salt and chlorinated water. Of course, such care makes hair not only healthy, but also beautiful, gives them elasticity and silkiness. It should be noted that drying and laying after the "oil" care occupy a much less time, and the effect you will see immediately, as you will be in the chair. "

"Gisele Delorme offers to please the hair by the corporate spa Arom'Activ. This is a global personalized care that restores a healthy scalp balance and gives beauty to weakened hair, "says Elena Sukhova, a leading training cosmetologist Gisele Delorme in Russia. - First we apply to dry skin of the head using a "Balancing lotion" and "Vitamin Complex" dispenser, in order to adjust the pH of the scalp, and spend a light relaxing head massage. Then, in strands, we distribute "active care from dryness" or "active care against fatty" (depending on the state of the scalp). Next, we carry out a twenty-minute branded Gisele Delorme massage, which consists of pumping movements towards lymph nodes and smoothing short and long movements. After the massage, we apply to dry skin of the head "restoring mask with Camellia oil" with the addition of "active caring from dryness", and on the length of the hair - "vegetable milk for hair". Combine hair for the distribution of funds. Exposure time - 10 minutes. While the mask is valid, we carry out a relaxing massage of the nape and shoulders using the "aromatic relaxing complex No. 6" and "body milk with ana". Next, it is necessary to emulsify the hair with warm water, apply "toning shampoo with green tea" and flush thoroughly.

After this spa ritual, there is a unique feeling of absolute relaxation, the hair becomes shining, and the skin of the head is healthy and clean. "

Homemade joy

If you do not have time to visit the salon as often as your exhausted hair requires, "holiday of life" they can be arranged at home. Of course, this advice is relevant only when it comes to a critical situation, for example, intensive falling, dryness or thinning of hair to the state of the washcloth. In such cases, it is unambiguous to contact the salon, to undergo a spa procedure, and then maintain this effect at home. When the hair is damaged slightly either you just want to pamper them, be sure to find the time for a small holiday: turn on the disk with birds or noise of waves, fill the aromacuurrency with water and drop there 5-10 drops of lavender oil, patchwork or sandalwood, which will lead you to a complete state bliss and relaxation. Wash your hair with a soft shampoo and proceed to apply intensive care.

"For home care, many spa lines are suitable for those used

In salon conditions, explains Olga Antonova. - Application of oils requires a certain skill, but, however, this skill quickly comes with practice. If other forms are familiar to you, take advantage of the intense mask, such as the "Mask restoring intensive action" Deep Repair Masque Macadamia Natural Oil line. This is a real "reconstruction" for dry

and damaged hair. The combination of macadamia and argan oils with tea tree oils, chamomile, aloe and algae extracts animated hair and actively restores them, deeply feast and returning them elasticity and gloss (with a prolonged air-conditioning effect). To strengthen and extend the action of this mask, as, otherwise, and any spa product, it is recommended to use tools from a similar series. And so that the pro-code has become not only useful, but

And enjoyable, use the aromatic candles creating the necessary mood. The company "Charm Distribution" offers the original and at the same time a natural product for care for your skin. Candles Hair-SPA 3 in 1 are used not only to create a pleasant atmosphere, but also as warm silky massage oil or body cream. They instantly absorb, not leaving on the skin of the fatty film, nourish, soften, moisturize and enrich the skin with vitamin E. consist exclusively of natural ingredients (soybean oil, apricot oils and jojoba, vitamin E, shea oil, hemp, avocado) do not contain wax and paraffin. Their amazing flavors increase sensitivity, excite the imagination and give

A feeling of real bliss. "

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