Fears - where they come from and what to do with them


Fear is the driving force of evolution. Several years ago it was found that the "fear gene" is located in the temporal area of ​​the brain having the name "Amigdala". This section of the brain is also present in animals, in particular, reptiles.

What fear happens

Fear is congenital and acquired. The second appears as a result of our life experience. A great influence has a surroundings. For example, if a child grows in a family where both or one of the parents are constantly in anxiety, fear is transferred to the child. Increased anxiety occurs not so rarely. A lot of books were issued on how to understand the cause of his fears, to start effectively with them to fight and live in harmony with them. Children are much less fears than in adults, because the first did not have time to understand all the dangers of the world around.

What people are afraid

Among the most common fears are the fear of height, depth, public speeches, closed spaces, snakes and spiders. Among the rarest phobias include fear of washing, wind and peanut butter adherent to the nebu. Scientists argue that we often strive for fear. This behavior is associated with the Bay or Run reaction, which involves hormones (adrenaline and norepinephrine) responsible for the condition of happiness and excitement. Thanks to the fear, we increase the frequency of heart abbreviations and blood pressure, the work of the digestive system and some other organs slow down, pupils and lungs are expanding, brain activity is activated.

Fear of arthropods torment not only children, but also adults

Fear of arthropods torment not only children, but also adults

How the body responds to fear

It is important to remember that fear is the normal response of the human body to the external danger. But if the fear of something you does not let go of a long time and prevents you from living, you should seek help from a specialist.

There are several tips to help cope with fear:

1. When you feel that fear captures you and panic begins, try deeply and slowly breathe

2. Aware that you are susceptible to some dangers and simply accept it. Contact your support to close.

3. Stretch to be aware of news on the topic, because of which you are worried. Ignorance further fighters people.

4. Contact a specialist for help. You can, of course, to work on your fears yourself, but it is better to consult with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

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