5 stylish haircuts for spring


With the arrival of spring, each girl tries to transform - alone change the style, others pay more attention to sports and proper nutrition. However, the easiest method of transformation lies literally on the surface - go to the stylist and change the hairstyle. Sea compliments guaranteed! Let's tell me some interesting haircut options and advise you to someone.


Which year at the peak of popularity remains already becoming a classic haircut "Bob". She came from abroad, she liked compatriots so much that those every season invent new variations on its transformation - the hair curl into soft curls, combed their hair on the side sample and decorate the hairstyle from thin wire and beads. After reviewing photographs from fashionable shows and film, it is easy to simply noticate the latest trends - this spring girl makes a careless laying and decorate it with large round metal hairpins. Girls with a cold skin tone we advise you to choose silver, with warm - gold.


Those who do not want to abandon long hair, we recommend cutting the hair with "Lestenka" and make an elongated bang. Star stylists put such a hairstyle on the smooth sample and curl their hair in large curls in the direction of the face. If you have ever seen hairstyles of models on the shows Victorias Sikret, then you understand what we are talking about. Do not forget that the hair should be volumetric at the roots - pour a little powder for volume or slightly draw your hair.

"Boyish" haircut

Women whose age is over 40, we advise you to think about the short haircut. For Russians, this is familiar laying. True, we advise you to lay the hair back with wax or locking gel. At the level of the temples on one side, attach silver invisible in the form of letters xx - such an accessory will turn boring laying into a modern, adding your piquancy image. Especially good such hairstyle looks at thin high women who often wear classic costumes.


This haircut has glorified the top model of Twiggy. True, in modern variations, the girls choose the hairstyle of Pixie in combination with clarified hair leaving in a lilac or platinum subton. Pixie can be laid using wax with separate strands, covering the ends of the hair, or combing them with the nape forward - this option looks no less interesting. Especially brave girls, usually preferring a sporty style in clothes and minimalism in accessories, are decided to choke whiskey - this is a bold, but non-standard solution.

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Disconnected by @jakfinchhair


Профессионалы предлагают не отказываться даже от популярных укладок — на каждой девушке прическа смотрится по-своему. Не забывайте, что даже короткую стрижку можно разнообразить — уложите прическу не на ровный пробор, а на боковой — сделайте крупные локоны с объемом у корней. Еще один вариант — сделать вертикальный пробор и забрать верхнюю часть в небрежный пучок, выпустив пару прядей по краям лица. Посмотрите в социальных сетях стилистов другие варианты такой прически — каждая найдет приемлемый для себя вариант.

прическа, прически, стрижка, новая прическа, новый образ, короткая стрижкаWomanHit.ru узнал у специалистов по волосам, кому подойдут ультрамодные стрижки

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