According to the advice of the expert: 5 masks recommended by a beautician


Have a fresh, shining skin face easier than it seems. Sometimes there is no time and money to visit the beauty salon, but you can also save your own attractiveness at home. Understanding how a modern girl is difficult to allocate two or three hours in a dense chart, decided to appeal to the beautician of Lilies Rabinovich, who shared with us with his favorite masks recipes.

Mask from Hercules

On the coffee grinder, chalk Hercules, then poured it with hot water or milk. Insist before getting a thick consistency and apply to the face. It is important that the mask was warm. For better clutch with leather, you can put it on top of fine gauze or bandage. After 15 minutes we wash off. The mask gives the effect of moisturizing, nutrition - it is anti-inflammatory, soothing.

Cucumber mask

Grate the cucumber on the grater or cut into thin ribbons, wrap everything in gauze. You need to lie down in a comfortable horizontal position and put the compress on the face, including eyelids. After 15 minutes to remove. You can not wash away, but to graze the residues of the liquid into the skin. The mask gives an anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, soothing effect.

Masks with an acid containing fruit and vegetables exfoliate the skin

Masks with an acid containing fruit and vegetables exfoliate the skin


Apple or Tomato Mask

Slices of an apple or tomato rub on the grater, put the crawl on the face for 3-5 minutes, then wash the cool water. We get the effect of lightweight peeling - it cleans the skin from damaged particles and makes it smooth. In Tunisia, for example, the juice of tomato is used against the burns of the jellyfish is an excellent means to calm the inflamed skin.

Carrot mask

In a small grater, we skip one average in size to the carrot and mix it with one teaspoon of honey, the cassea is applied to face and neck. After 20 minutes, wash off warm water, we rinse the napkin. This mask improves skin tone and smoothes small wrinkles.

Capping mask

Fresh cabbage leaves Skip through a meat grinder, mix with whipped egg squirrel, impose on the face of 15-20 minutes. It is possible to wash off a decoction of daisies or mint. The mask is suitable for food of any type of skin.

Masks need to do a couple of times a week

Masks need to do a couple of times a week


The morning swelling of the face and the eyelids eliminates contrast washness. No less effect gives freeing ice cubes that can be made of mineral water, as well as from infusion Calendula, Salfa or Hypericum. Ice cubes can be made of fresh apple juice. Wiping face with cubes not only narrows vessels and pores, but also gives the effect of lifting.

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