Stop, instant: the best ways of intensive rejuvenation


With age, our skin loses its elasticity. This is happening for a number of reasons: violation of blood microcirculation in tissues, losing the skin of it with the necessary moisture, a decrease in the number of hormones responsible for the synthesis of collagen and elastin. External factors - the action of ultraviolet, poor ecology - also play a distinctive role. Well, the laws of gravity nobody canceled: Losing elasticity, our skin gradually begins to drop down, thus forming wrinkles and folds.

Fortunately, modern technologies of hardware rejuvenation of the skin offer the widest possibilities for solving skin problems arising over time. True, before going to the beautician, it is worth pre-consult with an endocrinologist.

"Because we have a lot of aging problems in many ways from our endocrine system, hormones," explains Candidate of Medical Sciences, Endocrinologist of the Beauty Institute Belle Allure Svetlana Kudryakov. - This is primarily sex hormones in women, as well as thyroid hormones. After all, it is usually a rejuvenation of women older than forty years begin to worry. And at this age, the processes of natural aging of the whole organism are already noticeable - the operation of the ovaries is turned off, the time of premenopause, menopause occurs. Accordingly, there is a lack of genital hormones. And therefore, the effect of rejuvenation procedures is insignificant: after all, the problem lies not only in the fact that the structure of the skin changes, but also there is a shortage of sex hormones. Yes, and the problems with the thyroid gland happen precisely at this age. If you take statistical data, then on average, 30-40 women from a hundred not very noticeable result from procedures are just due to these reasons. So if you are forty, it is still the first thing to pass the survey from the endocrinologist. "

Waves to help

As a rule, modern equipment for skin rejuvenation in outpatient conditions without carrying out operations based on radio waves, laser radiation and other techniques that have proven their effectiveness over the past decades. Some devices combine different types of energy for higher impact efficiency.

Very good results ensures equipment for rejuvenation with a special Fractora nozzle. Skin care with Fractora's nozzles is the stimulation of the natural mechanisms of deep rejuvenation of the skin by means of radio frequency waves. With all its high efficiency and resolved result, radio frequency rejuvenation is a minimally painful procedure with a short recovery period. And it is very soon to observe a decrease in wrinkles in the field of face, drawers (for example, rubber Runs), epidermal pigmentation, surface teleangectasis in the field of face and improving skin texture.

Fractora's nozzle uses bipolar RF energy passing through a plurality of needle electrodes located on two different disposable nozzles. The nozzle consisting of 20 electrodes is mainly used for the processing of the upper and lower eyelids or for processing single scars or telegangectasis in the face area. Nozzle consisting of 60 electrodes - to treat more extensive areas of faces and body. This nozzle is used only once for a single procedure.

During the thermolifting itself, tingling can be felt, and immediately after a minor edema arises (it can hold on to three days and completely pass somewhere after a week), as well as point mini-recesses left by electrodes and noticeable on the surface of the skin. The course of treatment typically includes 1-3 procedures with a 4-6-week interval - depending on the power of the radio frequency used.

Threads of youth Resorblift.

Among the most detailed methods of rejuvenation, stable high results gives the nite lifting. The first attempts to use the Nitea Frame as an alternative to plastic surgery were taken back in the seventies of the last century in France. Then the gold threads were used, and the suspended effect was, recognized directly, not particularly noticeable. It rather improved microcirculation in adjacent tissues, the inflow of oxygen and nutrients increased.

Platinum threads were replaced, which also soon went into the past - sometimes the foreign object caused fibrosis, inflammation, and presence under the skin of the metal prevented using other modern achievements of cosmetology - for example, all the same radio wave lifting or laser.

And only years later, after a period of samples and mistakes, the innovative development of French doctors appeared in the cosmetology services market - the threads of 100% polyolic acid resorblift appeared. The properties of polyolic acid are known in cosmetology for more than 25 years, and the method of using it in Niteev Lifting was developed by Dr. Paul Turon and French Medical Laboratory Choc Medical. It was, without exaggeration, a real breakthrough. For the first time, scientists managed to find a safe, small-acting and effective way of not only the elimination of age-related changes, but also their prevention. After all, polyolic acid is not hostile to our organism, it is inside us. Therefore, lifting with polyolic acid threads is the most natural and physiological alternative to traditional plastic operations.

"Resorblift® thread implantation is the newest minimally invasive method of rejuvenation, which is an alternative to traditional plastic operations," says Elena Radion's head physician of Belle Allure. - Usually, the indication to the procedure is the change in the face, the appearance of balls and the second chin, nasolabial folds. I note that these phenomena are unhappy not only women, but also men, and they also come to us on the nithel lifting.

Modern threads made of polyolic acid are capable of tightening any desired area: cheeks, cheeks, nasolabious folds, chin, eyebrows, forehead. By the way, the non-disseminating threads are bad "worked" at the forehead zone - here are thin skin, the contours of the threads could be visible. And with Resorblift® it is easy to tighten and raise forehead and eyebrows, make a look more open. These threads can be used even on hand brushes, where too thin and delicate skin. RESORBLIFT® threads are used in other places of the body - help pull the neck surface, neckline, chest, inner surface, hips, front abdominal walls. There is an interest in polymeralic acid threads in gynecology plastic, I think that in a short time they will be applied there.

RESORBLIFT® threads after a year and a half are absorbed to carbon dioxide and water and are derived from the body. And the effect is preserved up to five years, because the threads stimulate the resumption of the production of collagen itself. In addition, the thread has fixators and does not "go" inside the tissue.

Many notches located in different directions allow for a long time to fasten the fabric at the desired level. And then, as the acid resolutions, the natural collagen frame will hold the skin in the same position that was achieved at initial fixation. "

The procedure itself passes under local anesthesia and is very comfortable. No cuts are done. For one procedure, you can put from two to ten threads, and you can cut them - the length of the thread will depend on the installation site. Eleks or hematomas usually do not happen, because the threads are put in the hypoderma, neither the vessels nor the nerves are damaged. Traumatization is minimal, the effect of suspenders is noticeable immediately, but at the same time the familiar features of the face and normal facial expansion are completely preserved.

"It is important to comply with the recommendations of the doctor before and after the procedure. After the introduction of RESORBLIFT® threads, several days must be tried not to make sharp mimic movements, during the month not to go to the bath, sauna, solarium, - Elena Radion warns. - For three months, deep massage and physiotherapy are contraindicated - it will force a polyolic acid to dissolve faster, and the process of updating collagen will not have time to start. "

The result is worth it, because literally immediately after the procedure shows a noticeable lifting effect. But this is not all: over time, the deferred effect of rejuvenation will manifest itself, due to stimulation of collagen and revitalization. And he will increase to six months. Imagine: Going every morning to the mirror, you will see even more smooth yourself, your favorite. Real wonders available from now on!

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