4 skin problems with which you can not cope with one cosmetics


In my drawer with cosmetics, dozens of different bubbles and jars are stored. Their manufacturers promise magic changes on the face literally per day. They ask for such a miracle, naturally, not enough. If you consider the amount spent on the contents of this box, it would be enough for auto-domestic manufacturer. However, wrinkles appear, acne get out, I'm not talking about freckles and other surprises. It turns out that it is possible to improve the skin with a simple diet. I found out what products you need to eat so as not to grow old.

Problem number 1. Spots on the face.

As we do not hurt under the hats, and the sun still leaves traces on our face as pigmented spots. They may also appear in memory of acne. Be freckles and so on. In general, without a tone of the skin, do not align. And here is not.

The sun is one of the main enemies of the face

The sun is one of the main enemies of the face


Our main friends vitamins C, E and antioxidants. Get them we can from citrus, strawberries, kiwi, pomegranates, tomatoes and grapes. By the way, ordinary buckwheat and cabbage will help to cope with the misfortune.

Problem number 2. Oily skin.

Puddling, not sparing, and in the T-zone, the face will still be glittering. People with oily skin are especially necessary to monitor its nutrition. The diet will help reduce the production of excess Sala.

You need vitamin A. It is contained in Kurage, Mango, carrots, egg yolk.

Acne - happens with oily skin

Acne - happens with oily skin


Frequent fatty satellite - acne. If you suffer from this disease, eat fruit, vegetables, walnuts, flax seeds and flaxseed oil, seaweed, seafood and fish.

Problem number 3. Dry skin.

Doctors believe that the dryness of the face occurs due to the oversight of vitamin E, with insufficient cholesterol. This means that it is necessary to increase the consumption of monounsaturated fatty acids. Get them we can from beans, seaweed, eggs, soy, avocado, peanuts and other nuts.

With age, the skin becomes land

With age, the skin becomes land


Dry skin - vegetarians disease. If you do not have any food prejudices, you regularly eat meat and fish of fatty varieties.

Problem number 4. Wrinkles.

What to do, with the age of wrinkles appear in all. But the antioxidants helps to reduce their amount. Many of them in soybeans. In addition, they are rich in all green vegetables: spinach, asparagus, celery, different types of cabbage and salads.

Some products will help to cope with small wrinkles.

Some products will help to cope with small wrinkles.


But one-piece milk and products from it women of Balzakovsky age should be avoided at all. They are poorly absorbed and lead to aging of the skin.

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