What to do if there are insects


Even if a person has no allergies on mosquito bites or whipping, itching, swelling or combing can deliver a lot of trouble. Remember Pushkin: "... oh, summer is red! Would I love you when not knowing, yes dust, yes mosquitoes, yes flies "?

Folk Medicine advises: a mosquito bite place to treat alcohol and in no case comb. Also well helps from the ferrous station from parsley. Leafs need to rinse well and thoroughly sneak so that they let me be juiced. Kashitsa put in the bandik and attach to the place of bite. Also advise to drink decoction of parsley roots. For this, 2 tbsp. l. The crushed root is brewing 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist in a thermos for eight hours. You need to take on a glass three times a day. It is said that this decoction facilitates the first signs of allergies.

From the consequences of insect bites well helps onions. It needs to be chopped to a cascidious state. Soak the napkin and impose on the wound.

It is also believed that mint juice has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. Mint leaves need to grind and attach to the place of bite.

The most common means of insect bites is subject to soda. It needs to be dissolved with water to the keshitce state and smear the place of bite. Instead of soda, you can use the calendula tincture, which also relieves itching well and redness.

Olga Syolyuk

Olga Syolyuk

Olga Scholyuk, Dermatologist, cosmetologist:

- From insects need to be protected by repellents. Currently, such aerosols and lotions are presented on the market even for infants. Being in nature, people can prevent bites if they will apply insects in advance. If you still bitten, it is necessary to process the place with an antiseptic. Best of all alcohol, which has an irritant action. Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, chlorophyllipte, mangartage in solution - also fit. The bite place can be scratched! It is difficult for children to keep from it, so the bite's place is best to treat special gels that take off the itching, swelling and redness. It is also it possible to remove with soothing means, such as mint, mother-in-law, sage. Or taking antihistamine drugs. In addition, you can use ointments containing corticosteroids. Folk recipes with mint and parsley are also good. But! If the place of the bitter is still combing, it is necessary to take care that the secondary infection is not joined. For this, you can, for example, use the sprinkler that affects the healing effect.

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