Youth will be returned stem cells ... plants


The excitement began with the discovery of embryonic predecessor cells, that is, cells capable of unlimitedly divide and reborn into any body tissues (they were called stem). This has fired unprecedented opportunities to restore various organs after severe injuries and diseases. Normally, each of us has a reserve fund of stem

Cells that are activated if serious violations occur in the body. After receiving the signal, these cells rush to the affected area and begin to share to replace the dead fabrics.

Such unique properties of cells attracted specialists in anti-aging medicine and cosmetology, therapeutic drugs based on embryonic tissue and cord blood of a person or an animal appeared. However, two questions were soon acutely stood: the first - about the ethicality of such treatment and rejuvenation, the second - about the possibility of moving the animal stem cells into malignant (cancer). Therefore, the European Court of Human Rights strongly limited their uses and forbade human embryonic stem cells to patenting.

And then, scientists turned their eyes to the world of plants. It turned out that, in contrast to human stem cells, vegetable are capable of differentiate into any of the plant cells.

In humans and animals, only embryonic cells possess this property. In vegetable stem cells, contains the maximum amount of substances necessary for updating, which determine the growth of stems and roots, and also contribute to the healing of damage. But are they compatible with human and why they decided to apply them in cosmetics?

"Most often, not the entire vegetable stem cell is not included in the cosmetic, but only its active components that are distinguished from plants in a special way, explains Julia Gerasimov, a beautician-technologist of Adononia Group and a specialist in the Hydropeptide cosmetic brand. - They protect the plant from adverse environmental factors, are responsible for maintaining genetic information and synchronization of cell division process. These substances include nucleic and amino acids, peptides, proliferative and antioxidant protection enzymes, phytohormones, antioxidants. Scientists found out that a similar complex of molecular regulators has the ability to influence cells not only plants, but also animals and even a person. How can this opening help us? The fact is that with age, human stem cells are not aging with the whole organism, but only fall into a "dormant" state, reducing the speed of their division and worse than stimulation. The low activity of stem cells leads to the fact that the tissue update is slowed down, defects begin to accumulate in them. For example, the so-called crosslinks appear in the collagen fibers, which is why the elasticity and elasticity of the skin are reduced, signs of PTOs appear on the face. In the laboratory conditions, numerous experiments were conducted, confirming that if the skin cells were transplanted into a special nutrient medium, their livelihoods can be raised to the level of young stem cells. Now experts are looking for ways to do the same "in vitro" (in vitro), but directly with human tissues, that is, run the processes of skin remodeling. Probably, a real breakthrough in the field of anti-aging medicine is not far off, but even now it is safe to say that plant stem cells are capable of returning energy to the energy of human skin stem cells. In particular, they restore the ability of aging cells of a person to form multilayer and dense epidermis, increase skin resistance to UV radiation and other negative factors.

Nevertheless, the question remains: how much plants are identical to human cells? Studies show that many plant growth regulators have a similar structure with those in our body. For example, in 2003, a group of Florentine scientists proved the amazing similarity of the steroids of plants and a person. "

As for one hundred percent coincidence, it is not required. Recall at least such a historic acid so popular now: it was once removed from the tissues of animals or marine inhabitants, now they are obtained by microbiological synthesis, including from plants. The biotechnological method of synthesis does not at all prevent it from having a beneficial effect on the state of our skin and guarantees a high degree of purification of the drug. The same can be said about stem vegetable cells.

Where does that come from

Currently, the latest technologies are used to produce high purity vegetable stem cells and functionality with careful control of all laboratory conditions. Thus, not only their effectiveness is guaranteed, but also safety. Receive plant stem cells in two ways. First - by direct extraction from points of active growth of plants . It is done in early spring, when fresh kidneys, seedlings, young roots and shoots have the maximum energy potential. They are cleared, crushed and placed in a special composition (as a rule, there are water, alcohol and glycerin), which not only "pulls out" from the plants all the necessary components, but is also an excellent preservative. Extracts produced in such a way are of particular value, as the integrity of the intercellular substances is preserved. Unfortunately, this is a rather cost method of obtaining a biologically active material that is not suitable for mass production of cosmetics. Second way - Biotechnology synthesis . A piece of vegetable tissue produce incisions. At the place of damage to the cells begin to actively divide and form a colorless cellular mass (Calleus), which has the properties of stem cells. The Calleus is then placed in a special liquid medium containing nutrients and stimulants, to build a biomass. In conclusion, this biomass is distinguished by the necessary components, clean and stabilize them for further use in cosmetics. The main advantage of the biotechnological method is the possibility of obtaining large quantities of plant extracts.

"The established process of extraction of vegetable stem cells allows you to create cosmetics with predetermined properties and a clearly defined amount of active substances," Julia Gerasimova continues. - due to the fact that only a piece of sprout fabric is used, and all further cultivation occurs in artificial conditions, we can get a stem material from very rare plants, for example, from high-mountain edelweiss or deep-water arctic algae. To do this, it is not necessary to exterminate huge plantations of plants, which allows you to save the environment and at the same time remove the required amount of raw materials. Thus, we have excellent symbiosis of naturalness and high technologies.

In cosmetics used vegetable stem cells:

Asian centers which contains substances to help remove inflammation that increase the skin tone and blood vessels;

-Mountain Edelweissa having a powerful antioxidant action warning dehydration and loss of elasticity and skin;

-ginkgo biloba , increasing the skin tone and blood vessels;

Ginseng which restores local immunity, stimulates cellular activity;

Echinacea which stimulates the synthesis of the new collagen and prevents its degradation;

Red grapes which is the most powerful antioxidant and protector of their own stem cells from damage;

Gardenia which prevents the loss of skin strength, prevents the collagen degeneration

and moisturizes the skin;

Gota Kolya. which effectively protects against free radicals, removes excessive voltage from the vessels, reduces inflammatory processes;

Swiss apple which restore skin stem cells and support their renewal ability, reduce and prevent the appearance of signs of aging, fight wrinkles, dryness, inflammation. "

Operating principle

The uniqueness of vegetable stem cells is that they are able to influence several reasons for aging of the skin, such as oxidant stress, the accumulation of "molecular errors", cell intoxication. Plant components with antioxidant properties interrupt chain reactions of free radicals, thereby protecting cells from death. Separate extracts regulate the removal of accumulated toxins, while others normalize the process of cell division and their updates, protect DNA. "The introduction into a cosmetic agent of only 0.1% of stem vegetable cells leads to acceleration of proliferation (cell reproduction) by 80%! - Julia Gerasimova reports. - Therefore, Western, and from recently, Russian specialists of aesthetic medicine began to actively apply them in their anti-age programs.

The Hydropeptide cosmetic brand has created a unique product line for professional and home care based on peptides and vegetable stem cells. In this case, the peptides operate in synergies and create the most favorable conditions for the rejuvenating effect of plant stem cells. For the best result, a special sequence of drugs is applied: 1) First, amino and neuropeptides are underway, which have a relaxing effect on the facial muscles and contributing to the removal of old collagen; 2) The aminoptides in combination with stem cells are connected. This is the stage of active stimulation of all cell processes when the synthesis of the new collagen is accelerated, many pathological shifts in cellular programs are adjusted, "setting" metabolism and cell detoxification are carried out.

In professional care, the number one step is the innovative peeling of Apple Peel 1 Anti-Wrinkle Crystals based on peptides and stem cells of plants. The deep penetration of all existing components is due to the effects of peptides that normalize the "relationship" between skin cells, which leads to a pronounced face rejuvenation, neck, decolte area. After the peeling, the elasticity of the skin is significantly increased, its tone is leveled, the wrinkles are reduced, dryness and lethargy of the skin disappear.

To continue the rejuvenating care, the surviving mask Souffle Mask, Brighteening Apple Papaya Hydration Mask with stem cells of Swiss apples, papaya enzymes, peptides, shelis butter, dairy, citrus and hyaluronic acids are perfectly suitable.

Such a rich composition of the mask guarantees deep and intensive skin moisturizing, an increase in its tone and elasticity, clarification of pigmentation and a noticeable reduction in wrinkle depth.

Stresses are often triggered in our skin chronic inflammatory processes that not only spoil the appearance, but also lead to premature aging. Cranberry Pomegranate Mask with stem cells of Echinacea, cranberry and pomegranate, peptides, shelves and pomegranates, peptides, butters of Shea and jojoba will help. The mask stimulates the regeneration processes, it protects the DNA cells from oxidation by free radicals, provides visible skin improvement, activates the production of third-type collagen and controls the quality of its education, prevents the formation of the enzyme that destroys collagen in mature skin.

To maintain the results obtained in the salon, intensive home serum HydroStem-6 is recommended on the basis of a whole complex of stem cells consisting of red grapes, a gota of cola, echinacea, bars, edelweiss and apples. Miracle

The serum restores the structural integrity of age-related skin, contributes to the extension of the life of own cells, improves the relief of the skin and reduces the severity of wrinkles. A powerful peptide complex in combination with stem cells of six plants, hyaluronic acid and natural oils literally turns time to reverse, giving the skin additional vitality, youth and freshness. Apply serum is recommended after 35 years (either earlier by a specialist solution) and at least two months in a row. "

Valuable capital

"Stem cells are very valuable, but at the same time a very fragile capital," says Eleanor Zhenina, General Director "Profit Cosmetics Group" LLC. - Age (chronostation) and external aggressive factors (first of all ultraviolet radiation responsible for photoboring) can lead to loss of their vitality: some cells die, and some "fall asleep". Over time, the skin lacks this most valuable source of recovery. Therefore, in order to preserve the viability of precious stem cells as long as possible, it is very important to adequately and in a timely manifest

from external aggressive factors.

With poor skin care, the number of stem cells decreases As a result - the production of new keratinocytes slows down, the barrier functions of the skin deteriorate. In turn, this leads to the fact that derivatives of the dermis - collagen and elastin - are destroyed and degraded. The aging process is inexorably enhanced. In the line of cosmetics with stem cells Oro Nero ("Black Gold") from the professional brand RVB (Italy), stem cells of algae and apple are used. They protect adult skin stem cells from UV radiation, oxidative stress and destructive effects of free radicals, protected stem cell DNA and help them recover after damage. In line

Oro Nero includes regenerated cream, lifting serum and concentrate. It is worthwhile to tell about the characteristics of the components that make up the means. Products contain apple stem cells and algae (meristematic cells). Such plants contain totipotent stem cells that have the ability to divide. This is due to the presence of a more powerful kernel with an index of greater possibilities. In addition, due to the production of substances Biologice (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, minerals), these cells are directly involved in a protective reaction of the plant relative to the aggressive external environment. To improve the protection and guarantees of the longevity of human skin cells (acting in their biological niches) and to improve the process of updating and restoring skin cells in their formulas of cosmetic tools, the RVB stem cells use stem cells, namely algae

and apples, not adult plants. Another component is Undaria Pinnatifida's alga, saturated with vitamins and microelements, which grows around the coast of Japan. On the trunk of algae there are fertile bases that are responsible for the reproduction of the form (Mekabu). RVB has developed an exclusive component - Mekaba oil.

In the composition with embryonic stem cells, algae affects skin stem cells, increasing their protective and regenerative functions. "

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