How to understand your emotions and what to do with them


Emotions is a mighty resource that each of us has. But why are they needed and how to make them work on ourselves?

As a child, many of us say: do not cry, do not laugh loudly, you want too much, you can't, eat what is and no matter you want or not .... Such requirements often lead to the fact that a person ceases to understand his emotions, suppresses them or vice versa does not control. There are "good" girls who are accustomed to that all parents decide for them, and in adult life husbands, she does not understand what he wants, and in more mature age begins to regret no dreams of dreams. For men, the same understanding of their emotions is even more relevant than for weak gender. With the help of emotions, you can form a powerful emotional intelligence that will help earn capital, manage people and make happy your loved ones. In addition, the emotional world is closely associated with psychosomatics, and if you suppress your emotions, it may not affect health. Our body just adapts to our mood, our thoughts, feelings, and most importantly emotions.

The result of such an adjustment is often the emergence of various diseases. Psychosomatics are diseases of internal organs and organism systems arising from the impact of mental or emotional factors. Psychosomatic diseases are - bronchial asthma, ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum, migraine, diabetes, sexual disorders, as well as disorders of the menstrual cycle in women and much more. Despite the fact that all these diseases are different, in them a number of general signs. So the beginning of the disease is provoked by mental factors, the action of which can be short-term (the death of a loved one, depression), quite long (conflict in the family, at work, a disease of a loved one) or chronic (the presence of unsolvable problems due to personal features, an incompleteness complex). Some of the disease are hereditary. The same emotional stress causes various reactions and diseases from different people.

These differences are determined including the characterological features. If the personality has an arbitrary, excitable, prone to aggressive reactions and forced to restrain them is usually the blood pressure, then the person is shy, impressionable, with a complex of inferiority. Non-specific ulcerative colitis. The struggle for their health will help the study and management of their emotions.

But let's see for a start, what is emotion? And so in itself this mental process reflecting a subjective attitude towards existing or possible situations and peace. Source emotion-subconscious, as well as emotion can be a skill of consciousness. Emotions are among the whole world, and the mood is only in humans. So what to do with them and how to again learn to understand your emotions, manage them and make it work for yourself? This long process is for each individual. You need to start with the maintenance of a diary. Every day, you are planning all the significant events of every day, and write down that you feel at the time of the event and after its completion. This leads to a change in the course of thought and exemption from automatic reactions and habits.

Regular monitoring of its emotion-unique technology for the development of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a conscious management of emotions through rebooting negative mood and monitoring positive emotions. In addition, it will help you motivate yourself. Emotions will begin work on you, on your health, quality of life and financial wealth. Do not be afraid of negative emotions, you need to learn to understand them, worry and switch, whatever it will be looped.

Understanding yourself, it is easier for you to understand other people from various communities and manage them.

If you are a leader, it is easier to build a team on emotional capital.

Only work on yourself will give an effect, remember that your emotions, like your life in your hands. Learn to convert emotions to emotional intelligence, and to gain money with this ability to make money, the recognition of society, love and respect for significant people.

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