Sun, leaned: from which procedures to refuse in the summer


In the summer I want to look good as never to look good, but some procedures in your favorite salon may not be solved by the problem, but also bring more harm to your appearance. It is worth carefully treating what the beautician offers you on a hot summer day, which we wanted to talk about today.

Laser hair removal

Probably, the only zone on the body, where the procedure is not contraindicated in the summer - the bikini zone, however, from the beach and solarium still it is worth refrangiving at least a couple of weeks after working as a master. What to say about the implementation of the procedure in open areas, such as face, armpits zone, hands and legs. Failure to comply with the recommendations may result in serious allergies, pigmentation and irritation.


Another summer "Ban" is any kind of peeling. Very often, non-professional cosmetologists can advise the lungs, surface peels that are allegedly harmless to the skin even with a powerful sun. Do you need unattractive stains all over the face, albeit on the refreshing skin? We are sure that there is no. No one knows how your skin can respond to a similar experiment, so put the campaign for a later date, for example, for autumn.

Do you need an axister of additional freckles?

Do you need an axister of additional freckles?


Removal of papilloma and moles

The procedure is not so harmless, as it may seem at first glance: the effect of liquid nitrogen or laser inevitably causes an irritation that can be aggravated if you leave sunbathing immediately after visiting the cabin. The active effect of the Sun on the damaged area threatens the appearance of a pain of a bruise or even swelling.


The drug that is used during the procedure has an unpleasant side effect: high temperatures can destroy the components that are part of the composition, thereby reducing the effect of the procedure to zero. In addition, as we have already spoken, any interference, even a superficial, it is always stress for the body, which needs time to restore, and the scorching sun in the city will only add new problems.

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