Julia Rybakova: "For me, love for a man never stood in the first place."


She is bright, purposeful, with luxurious forms - it is difficult not to notice. And after the scandalous episode in Cannes, where Julia Rybakova lost a skirt on a red carpet, and European fame and a multi-million-dollar contract came to her. Model Plus Size, singer, producer, editor of the magazine - Once a girl from a poor family dreamed of becoming rich and famous, and she succeeded. And let someone some statements of Julia seem provocative, she is that man next to whom I want to laugh and believe that dreams come true. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Julia, you said that the school was Tikhoni and the ugly duckling - what did you come to conquer you to conquer the capital?

- You know, the child must be inspired. I, being small, did not find the support family. We had a lot of problems: my brother and grandmother were sick, my mother was constantly swore with his sister, by and large no one paid attention to me. I saw a bunch of minuses in myself, for each reason was upset. And I tried to be at home as possible - I flew to your girlfriends to visit, I found some classes to myself: I went to the visual arts, vocals, gymnastics. Then I was banned from gymnastics - because I fainted, but it happened again because of stresses. I badly slept, I suffered with Lunaticism ... I can't condemn my mother, no one taught her how to organize children, but in social networks there is such a group "toxic parents" - so, this is just my story. All our injuries come from childhood. Some part of me desperately demanded recognition, I wanted to be finally noticed. Therefore, when I was asked: "Julia, who do you want to become?" - I answered: "Rich and famous."

- And for the implementation of the dreams went to Moscow?

- In fact, I went to another city with a girlfriend, but they sat on the bus. (Smiles.) The friend had a very fighting attitude: she said, should remain, Moscow is a city of great opportunities. But in fact it turned out that at first we lived at the station, sold gold jewelry, my phone. I had a cool clamshell Nokia, which I at my time took on credit, and here we sold it for four thousand to rent an apartment. And they got on scammers, we threw us. The week washed: they spent the night at the police station, then at the station in the waiting room. So far, I finally remembered that one person left me in Stavropol, and he was from Moscow. We called him and found surprise, he thought it was a joke, and threw the phone. But we began to call more and more, wrote desperate eshemis, and he agreed to help: arranged us to work as waitress in a small cafe in Chertanov. That's how my career began in Moscow. (Smiles.) Then the employers saw that I was worn, transferred to the cafe better, then I began to work in the restaurant. But I remember that day, when I called my mother in tears, instead of encouraging words heard that I was still small, I would not work in someone else's city. With this one, she offended me very much. I changed the number and said I did not want to communicate with her. Now we, of course, have risen, she is a kind of woman, it's hard to me with her, but Mom has a mother.

Julia Rybakova:

"At first we lived at the station. They sold gold jewelry, my phone to find an apartment. And they got on the scammers, we threw us"

Photo: Personal archive of Julia Fisherman

- What was next?

- year and a half, probably, I sobbed every day: What am I doing here?! In me there was a desire to prove the mother that I stand something. But when we act from the resentment, anger - usually nothing happens, this is energy destructive. I dwell in upset feelings and constantly allowed missing at work: then disassemble the plates, then with the guests they pursue. She walked in the morning, slipped, fell into the puddle, went to change clothes - as a result, late, got a fine. I all the time turned out in debt, spent more than he received. But then everything changed miraculously: I quit out of the restaurant, went to dance oriental dances and met with one wonderful girl who told me about positive thinking. At first, I thought: Everything is all, but then I was convinced that it really works. The film "The Secret" became one of my favorites, I was so impressed that I made a copy of the disk and distributed my acquaintances, I didn't even feel sorry for this money.

- And managed to earn your first million in twenty years ...

- I really earned a million, which has become a discovery for me, as I always believed that this is a huge amount.

- I think so now.

- Disappoint. Then it will seem that there are few three million, and ten. I always needed money, in this sense I had the right hunger. In addition, I helped my mother, closed her debts. He herself drove into such conditions that had to work a lot. I performed in several restaurants, then began to resell things: clothes, underwear. Bought for a hundred rubles a panties in the Cherkizovsky market, shifted them into beautiful boxes and sold for three thousand. Represent what profit? And the girls took, because the main thing is the right marketing. The most effective advertising is how this underwear looked at me. I had a girlfriend in the share I invited to us: supposedly it is a seller. Then she demanded not twenty percent of revenue, but half and threatened the exposure. I said: Well, tell me, no one else will believe you. They came to me, shaking these shorts, demanded to return the money. I stated that the girlfriend is lying, but my shop covered. (Laughs.) And so I have always been very intended in terms of sales, because I saw the need from the inside. My girlfriend remembers how one day came to visit me, and I sat on the sofa, settling around the pack of money, and with a feverish brilliance, I said that I needed. She asked: "Why, what?" And I even had no answer to this question. Just the race for money seemed to be more primary.

- And now?

- Money is needed, because we live in the material world, and in Moscow everything is expensive. But much more pleasure I get from things that are free: when my child is rejoicing, we just go to the park and beautiful weather. I do not mind spending money on travel, they expand the horizons, invest them in training. Better I will give five thousand to an individual coach session or online, the course than just open them in the restaurant. I learned to distinguish: where is the waste, and where the attachment.

- Here you said: I want to know the whole world. And why should be famous?

- From my childhood, I wanted to be seen, even in classroom classroom and vocals more about teachers, and not with peers. I wanted to see me, appreciated. We depend on the assessment of others. Unfortunately, no one explains in childhood that someone else's opinion should not define our choice. I learned my son to score on it. Suitable recently: "Mom, what kind of sweatshirts to me?". I ask: "David, and why are you interested in, what do you like more? Tu and put on. " Another time I ask his council about the clothes, and he declares: put on what you are comfortable. Returning to the question, to become popular - it was my children's dream. But now I have something to broadcast, I would like to share my knowledge with people who were in the same situation as I could not afford to expand the borders. I will formulate this: to be known in order to bring useful information to the larger audience. I do not need applause, approval, now I myself can praise myself.

Julia Rybakova:

"I tried to acquaint him with my son. She arrived at the" Maybakh "of the last model. So he was half an hour looked at the car, and not a child"

Photo: Personal archive of Julia Fisherman

"Pasternak wrote:" Being famous is ugly, it doesn't upheart. " How everything has changed ...

- Due to the fact that I am writing a PR strategy to artists, I know how it is very easy to make you notice. One video on the Internet you can raise such a HYP that they will talk about it for years. Talented people are lazy, they believe that they have everything well, and do not develop. Need motivation.

- Julia, and that episode in Cannes, where did you stay on the red carpet without a skirt, was resigned?

- I lost the suitcase in which there was all the clothes. And this is the first in my life a red carpet! When I realized that I had nothing to go, my hysteria began. In Moscow, I urgently ordered a dress, I was sewed to go sleep. It was not even a dress, but the jacket, to which the skirt was attached. As a result, what happened what happened. I wanted to shoot a video so that my fans see me beautiful in Cannes. (Laughs.) But when we looked at that roller, I realized that he could simply could not stay with one-day information, and competently sent him to information agencies and bloggers.

- Producer, singer, model, editor of the magazine - Is it possible to allocate time for the education of the Son with such a rich schedule?

- I think that it has created the most comfortable conditions for him. David has a nanny that is constantly with him. I try to take it with me on travel, some trips at work. When secular events conducted, Gianluk Vakka brought, Paris Hilton, introduced them to him. Now the Son sees Vakka on TV, says: "Oh, my friend." (Laughs.) I had a hungry childhood, and the first months, when David only appeared on the light, I bought him a huge number of things: all sorts of booties, caps, jumpsuit, some never even put on. I remember, I bought some kind of fur envelope for fourteen thousand rubles, in which he flew only. Now I understand that it is stupid: no need to impose your unrealized dreams to the child. He is not tied to things, and it pleases me. At the same time there is a motivation system: you want "Lego", do something and that. I am not the mother that will hug a child twenty-four hours a day, but we have no cold relationship. This morning he cooked me fried eggs for breakfast, then grabbed my phone, missed several important calls. Praised-risen, normal life. (Laughs.) Perhaps I would like to spend more time with him, but it is necessary to work, and the son understands it.

- Did you have a dream to become rich and famous, and he?

- He has new dreams every day. If we go to the restaurant, he says he wants to become a waiter if he holds a day with an accountant, shows interest in this profession. He is very slave, unfortunately, so I try to choose the environment. But sometimes bad examples are also needed. So, David did not want to do, I took it to the garbage and showed homeless - this is the future, they say, you are waiting. He sobbed all evening. But for all six years I have never applied strength. Although I had more than once in childhood. No one has the right to hurt our body. Just when David was two years old, we had an incident. The son poured me a cup of tea and laughed. From the insult and surprise, I pushed it. So he came with such eyes to forgive the forgiveness that I was excited.

- Nevertheless, there is something in your childhood: the child also grows without a father.

- When I was asked: why I raise my son alone, I replied that it was better so with a man who is not able to take responsibility. But David does not feel disadvantaged. The strongest energy on the ground is the love of the mother, and I give it to full. I had a long relationship with one man, and he perceived him as his father. There were also passing wars, but I didn't even know them with my son, I don't want to have a feeling that the dad should be changed every six months. It so happened that I got pregnant by chance. I was diagnosed with infertility. I love my son very much, and thoughts never allowed to give up happiness of motherhood.

- And with the father of the child, do not communicate?

"I tried to establish relationships, introduce him to his son." There was one meeting, the second, but then David said himself: "Mom, no more." I remember, I then went to the "Maybach" of the last model, so he was half an hour a car, not a child. He has no parental instincts, it is also indifferent to other children. In general, I realized that you do not need to demand love where it is not. Perhaps someday he wants to establish communication, but it should be his choice. My father did not ripe it in order to meet me.

- You do not know anything about him?

- With the help of social networks, I found my grandmother's sister (she herself was already died), summary brothers. They told me a little about relatives on the father's line. About the father's opinion contradictory. And the great-grandmother, as it turned out, was a Polish Jew and a very strong person, apparently. She was the only woman in power in Turkmenistan, headed one of the committees. That's where my enterprise is from! (Laughs.) With a grandmother, too, there is a common: she worked in a newspaper and on the radio. And I editor magazine. So the genes play a role. But I believe that, after all, a person himself pecks his fate.

Julia Rybakova:

"Now I have a young man who, let's say, behaves well. But I don't think I will marry him, I am selective"

Photo: Personal archive of Julia Fisherman

- Do you feel the fear of creating a family?

"No, I quietly lived in a civil marriage for six years." I do not really believe in the stamp in the passport. If everything is fine in the family and there is extra money, you can play a wedding. But it seems to me right to pay for it for it. And since he could not afford to organize a luxurious wedding, I said: then it will not be. Now I have a young man who, let's say so well behaves well. We meet six months, but I do not think that I will marry him, because I am selective. I always have to conquer. If we have lived for five years, and we didn't go anywhere on weekends, I didn't make a gift, did not bought flowers, everything is goodbye. If a man is not able to pampery a girl, I do not see it at all.

- But fall in love with the talent, mind, charisma.

- For me, love for a man never stood in the first place. I should respect him. And with your feelings and emotions, I can work - and forget. I know how to untie myself from a person who does not give me growth. If a man is not to help me - what then is his destination? It is most important for him to feel useful, otherwise he has neither goal nor motivation. Maybe this Polish Jewer lives in me, but I never knew how to love just like that. I have a son, I love him unconditional love just for what he is. But when it grows up, it will be a responsibility to extend our genus and provide your offspring, otherwise I will not leave him. (Laughs.)

- How did you have an idea to become a model Plus Size?

- It all started with the fact that I almost twice recovered during pregnancy. And herself did not notice that he was already in another weight category. I went to the store, bought things a little size, also knighted with the saleswoman who said they would not fit me. Came home - and could not get in them. Here I seemed to see myself from the side, such a big ... Of course, puspered for a while, but then I had a girlfriend Lisa Mart, an actress and model Plus Size, weighing too under one hundred kilos. We even had a joke: two in a hundred. (Laughs.) We constantly laughed and humorially, I don't even remember the day that we were without a mood, this attracted the environment. They sat at the adjacent tables in the restaurant of the girl model appearance, beauties, but the expression of persons is as if they hate the whole world. We sent flowers, champagne. The lack of fans we have not experienced. It seems to me that it is not important how much you weigh, and how you carry yourself how confidently you feel. And however, it is not competent all this, for me working in the field of media, it has not been difficult. Now my forms have been beautifully embarrassed, I weigh about eighty kilograms. It would be possible to throw off, but I like me and so.

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