Top 3 main points of choice of high-quality umbrella


It would seem that this is just a curved metal or a wooden stick with the knitting needles, which are stretched by a water-winding tissue. But the selection of an umbrella is worth it to approach thoughtfully and seriously.

Cane or folding

The folding umbrella is very convenient, thanks to its design. It allows you to make the most compactly folded the device, placing it in the lady's handbag. With the cane of such a focus it will not work. But plus the "cane" design in durability and reliability. As a rule, such umbrellas serve much longer, because they are not terrible squalls and strong wind.

Material carcass

A good choice in this case is steel. The most reliable devices are made precisely from this metal. The only minus steel is an impressive weight. The product with steel rod and knitting needles will be much harder than, for example, similar to aluminum. Plus aluminum - ease. But next to the ease always "goes" the risk of deformation. It is aluminum products that begged at the first cut of the wind.

Many expensive umbrellas from eminent brands are made of the so-called carbon fiber. In fact, it is ordinary plastic, but with one very important feature. It has carbon fibers, which are easy and strong at the same time.

Material dome

The most common are three types of fabrics for umbrella domes.

Polyester. This material is covered with a special impregnation, which allows it to imitate other materials. For example, brilliant atlas. Polyester looks fine, but care is required painstaking and high-quality. Otherwise, the product quickly loses the aesthetics of the appearance.

Satin. Durable and very elegant material. But satin umbrellas are not suiced, and therefore not everyone afford.

Nylon. This fabric is pretty rude, but it does not require any additional care. Nylon always looks perfect, as if only from the store.

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