Komasny News: 5 facts about the drink that you do not know


One of the most famous traditional drinks in Russia has been popular for many centuries. Today Kvass adore no less: no country season costs without buying or cooking homemade classic kvass. By the way, it was considered a very honorable kvass in Russia, and we will tell why.

Kvass adore children

For children of ancient Russia, the process of cooking kvass turned into a real sweet holiday. The thing is that the grains, of which the drink was preparing, in the processed form it was very sweet, can be said, the grain replaced the children of candy. In addition, the first fresh kvass could try the children.

Kvass eliminates hunger

In addition to the fact that Kvass is a wonderful drink, quenching thirst, the use of kvass allows you to preserve the feeling of satiety much longer. As we said, the grains used in the creation of the drink bring not only the joy of children, but also a beneficial effect on an adult organism. In winter, the peasants flew not only by meat and grain blanks, but also a nutritional drink that helped the family to survive cold and avoid avitaminosis.

There is nothing better than natural kvass

There is nothing better than natural kvass

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Kvass will delight varieties

Do you still think that kvass can not surprise you with taste? We have excellent news for you: There are at least 500 varieties of this refreshing drink, and this is the estimated prescribing limitations. Today, kvass can be prepared with the addition of almost any ingredients (naturally, we are talking about natural), which will not give your taste receptors to bother.

Kvass will take care of your appearance

Have you heard about kvass based face masks? Cosmetologists are not too often advised to use kvass for cosmetic purposes, because today the market offers a huge selection of care products, but for a diversity you can quite try to apply a mask several times a week. The antiseptic properties of the beverage help to fight a light form of acne and maintain skin tone.

Kvass as an important ritual element

Since Kvass is traditionally prepared from the grain, such a drink could not but become as important for the peasant, like bread. The young on Russia met without bread and salt, but bread and kvass. The drink symbolized well-being and wealth, which means the treat for the guest by Kvais was considered almost the highest manifestation of respect. In addition, Kvass was considered a faith: small fires were extinguished not only by water, but also kvass, people believed that such a procedure would save the family from subsequent troubles.

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