Are there commentators doing sports?


Dmitry Guberniev

Master of Sports for Academic Rowing

Student at school, Dmitry all his free time devoted to sports. For seven years, he seriously engaged in academic rowing, became a master of sports and a candidate for the juvenile national team of the Soviet Union. He dreamed of going to the Olympics, but the dreams did not become a reality. Already learning in the first year of the institute, he was injured, and the rowing had to quit. By the way, he graduated from Dmitry Guberniev Coaching Faculty of the Russian Academy of Physical Culture. Because there are a huge number of items in different sports topics (football, swimming, skiing, skates, etc.), then in absentia he knows about many sports, and it helps him a lot in work. It believes that in order to be a good commentator, it is not necessary to play sports yourself, but admits that sometimes it helps it very much. After all, a person who has achieved big results in sports has the right to his personal judgment, listening to his opinion. So, the first wife of Dmitry was the world champion in athletics, Olga Bogoslovskaya runner. "I don't know a single person who would refuse her in an interview - recalls provinces. "I remember how she called Harry Kasparov with the words:" Does the world champion refuse the world champion? "Acts trouble-free." Now at the sport of time, the journalist is practically no, except that it is in a Russian bath, which Dmitry loves very much.

Victor Gusev. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov

Victor Gusev. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov

Victor Gusev

Extremely passionate about football, since childhood plays tennis

Victor Gusev is familiar with many sports. A well-known sports commentator can play tennis, which was carried away in childhood. Silen Gusevi in ​​the country was the famous comic actor Igor Igorsky. On its own forces, he built on his site, and Victor with his son Vladimir, who became his close friend, played a lot there. And in the winter, the court was poured with water, and the boys chased in hockey. Studying in INAZ, a journalist played basketball for the institutional team. But the very "smart" game he considers all the same football that he commenting interestingly. Actually, from football began and the commentator debut of Victor began, when in December 1993 in Las Vegas he conducted a report on the championship ceremony of the World Cup. And the first match was commented on April 13, 1994 - it was a victorious for Moscow "Spartak" game in the Champions League with Galatasaram. He also leads a monthly column in the English football magazine WORLD Soccer, in which it tells about Russian football. With the help of the same game, Victor supports himself in shape, training every week, and also visits the gym.

Mikhail Reshetov. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov

Mikhail Reshetov. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov

Mikhail Reshetov

Candidate in Master of Sports Sports, Master of Sports of International Basketball Class

Mikhail Deuts began his sports career from a swim. At the age of 12, he was a candidate for the masters of sports in four types (the regulator of the Master of Sports on the rack of the Klarm has already completed upon admission to the institute: he graduated from the HColifk - Institute of Physical Education and Sports). When history ended with a swimming pool, Mom took him to the basketball section of CSKA, than and took free time for many years. "I started mastering basketball, because I always liked game sports. In addition, Mom played in basketball very well, it was sent to the Master of Sports. Dad worked as a basketball coach. Find the wrong link in this genetic chain, "the commentator jokes. So Mikhail began to play basketball professionally, served in the Sports of CSKA, then played for this team and became a master of sports of an international class. He finished playing due to the injury of the back and three operations on the knee joints, after which came to sports journalism. It believes that professional sports experience when working at the microphone is very important. "This is like a foundation, basis, and then add-in, demand, the popularity of which depends on personal qualities, from character," he says.

Vladimir Gomelsky. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov

Vladimir Gomelsky. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov

Vladimir Gomelsky

Legendary basketball player and coach

The leading sports news and commentator Vladimir Gomelsky (in the photo - with his father) - the former Soviet professional basketball player who spent the whole career in CSKA. Listed titles of the famous athlete can be long: in 1975, he received the title of Master of Sport International Class, is the four-time champion of the USSR for basketball, the owner of the USSR Cup, since 1986 - Honored RSFSR coach. Born in the family of a legendary coach for Basketball Alexander Yakovlevich Gomelsky and European Champion and the USSR on Basketball Olga Zhuravlev, Vladimir began to be interested in this sport from childhood. And I began to engage in basketball since 11 years, when they began to take to the basketball section. With the team successfully performed at the Latvian championship, then moved with his parents to Moscow and enrolling in Moscow State University, continued at the sports career. In 1972, he was summoned to the Junior USSR national team, after his father decided to include Vladimir in CSKA. Having achieved great success, in 1977, Gomel receives a serious injury - the gap of the Achilles tendon, attempts to recover are unsuccessful. I am experiencing that I will not be able to return to Great Sport, Vladimir Aleksandrovich decides to make coaching work. And in 1989 his debut was held on television in the program "The best games of the NBA". It commented on almost all sports, except football, led to reports from eleven olympiad in a row.

Andrei Golovanov. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov

Andrei Golovanov. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov

Andrei Golovanov

Makes charging

As commentator Andrei Golovanov in one degree or another familiar with many sports. In winter, in his asset - Sanya, hockey, bobsles, skates. In summer - football, tennis, weightlifting, cycling, rowing, jumping in water, swimming, athletics, water polo. Initially, he always wanted to work with football, but, hitting the Olympics, faced the fact that there are often commenting-multi-axis, and, having tried themselves once in other sports, I realized that it was forces. Andrei was fond of sports from childhood, she tried not to miss sports broadcasts, led his records, archives. And, enrolling on the journalism, she chose for himself the direction of sports journalism. He began his "sports career" on the Radio "Lighthouse", after which came to television, where it has been working for many years. I am convinced that mandatory sports for sports commentator is more stereotype. "I'm lazy, I will not hide," the journalist says. - On the one hand, I just do not have enough willpower, on the other - time that can be highlighted for visiting the gym. Although some time ago I went to the famous center of Dikulu, and the exercises that I taught me there, I do at home. It increases the tone and helps feel in shape. "

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