Hair can be cured by injections


Hair health deterioration almost always signals any internal problems of the body, whether hormonal failures, disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, avitaminosis or chronic stress. However, the features of the skin of the head are such that when we start internal therapy,

The result has to wait for quite a long time. Alas, to the hair "comes like a giraffe", since all the most accepted nutrients are primarily distributed between vital organs (and hair, from the point of view of the body, they are not). To deliver nutritious and therapeutic ingredients directly to the roots of the hair, mesotherapy is used, that is, injection of drugs. This is the most effective way in a short period of time to cure hair, stop their loss and improve their growth.

Cocktails for mesotherapy may include various substances that feed the hair follicle, which improve the blood supply and supplying oxygen head. The necessary ingredients come directly into the intercellular space and immediately turn on to the metabolic processes of the skin. During the procedure, the finest needles use, and the drug is introduced to a depth of no more than three millimeters, so the session delivers minimal discomfort. By the way, the injections have an irritant effect on the nerve endings and cause a response reflex reaction of the body, as a result of which the skin tone increases, the microcirculation of blood improves, metabolic processes in cells are activated.

The injection method for hair treatment has a number of advantages:

- Only with the help of the needle you can enter the active ingredients to the specified


- the doctor is able to clearly dose the drug;

- Invasive method allows you to solve local problems (for example, focal baldness);

- drugs delivered in this way as long as possible

In the tissues and have time to have a pronounced action.

Search for reasons

And yet it is not necessary to immediately run with your problem on a mesotherapy session. Initially, it is necessary to undergo complete trichological diagnostics, which includes computer and spectral hair analysis, collection of anamnesis and conducting laboratory tests of blood. Before making treatment, the doctor is important to find out under what circumstances the hair began to rain, thread, lose their health. Quite often, a person intuitively determines the reason: "There was a strong stress at work," "I decided to try a new diet," "I often sick in the winter and still did not recover" ...

"For a more accurate diagnosis, computer diagnosis of hair is applied," says Alexander Southenko, a doctor and a Mesopharm expert trainer, in which the microcamera transfers the image of the scalp, root and rod of the hair, increased 200 times. Another method of testing is a spectral hair analysis that helps identify disorders of mineral metabolism. The lack of trace elements often overtakes us in spring due to general avitaminosis, as a result of certain diseases or due to drug intake. Analysis shows which minerals are normal, which in excess or not enough, in accordance with this, drugs are prescribed inside and mesotherapeutic cocktails.

In addition, trichologist determines at what stage of development are follicles, and counts hair growth density. In the average growth phase lasts about three years, 85-90% of the hair is in it. Then for two or three weeks of hair slows down its activity (the stage of the catager) and falls out (10-15% of all hair). When this ratio is broken, it's time to take measures to restore normal hair growth. As for the density of "Settlement", then an adult person at the head at the same time "present" is about 100-120 thousand hair, and the usual day loss is 50-120 pieces. If this quantity increases, then we can talk about the generation of the debate. Often hair loss is due to disorders of the hair follicle at the cellular level.

For the breakdown or poor condition of the hair, there are sometimes problems with the cervical spine (normal blood supply is disturbed, oxygen access is hampered to follicles). Therefore, mesotherapy can be carried out not only on the scalp, but also in the area of ​​the neck, and the patient additionally offers to visit Osteopath. A laboratory study of blood for the presence of certain elements and vitamins, inflammatory processes or viruses, hormonal shifts, autoimmune diseases is equally important for the assignment of therapy. So, with autoimmune reactions of the body, mesotherapy may harm. "

We lose them!

Summary of the chapels is perhaps the main problem forcing us to go to urgent and active measures. The number of own hair remaining overnight on the pillow or after washing the head in the bath can cause panic even with the most imperturbable of us.

The main causes of hair loss:

- hormonal violations and changes;

- chronic stress;

- infectious diseases;

- surgical interventions under general anesthesia;

- intoxication of the body;

- aggressive impact (chemical and temperature);

- irrational nutrition and following strict diets;

- Reception of certain types of drugs (for example antibiotics).

"Separately, it is worth staying on the hormonal causes of hair loss," Alexander Southenko continues, "because the choice of mesotherapeutic tactics depends on them: the selection of specific drugs, their combination with systemic treatment, course duration and frequency of its repetition.

Sometimes abundant hair loss occurs in women after childbirth. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy it comes the phase of active hair growth, the woman practically does not lose hair,

And after the birth of the baby, the growth cycle comes back to normal, excessive loss occurs. Multivitamin preparations are coping with a similar problem, in particular group vitamins. , Nickel, cobalt and a rich set of amino acids. The saturated serum composition stimulates regenerative processes, normalizes cellular metabolism, increases the strength of collagen fibers, increases cellular immunity, charges the skin and hair with energy.

The diffuse hair loss in women associated with an elevated level of dihydrotestosterone hormone (DGT) or excessive activity of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase is quite amenable to treatment if it takes time for it. Often, an endocrinologist prescribes contraceptive pills with antidrogenic effects, and mesotherapy helps purposefully strengthen the hair roots. Inizio from mesopharm based on nucleic acids is perfect for stimulation of growth (contains components of DNA and RNA) and highly purified hyaluronic acid. An important feature of the drug is its ability to accumulate in cells located in extreme conditions (when nutritional, oxygen). In addition, it has an immunomodulatory property, enhances the synthesis of RNA and DNA, launches the processes of self-healing fabrics, strengthens the vessels and improves blood supply, moisturizes the skin. As a result, the hair cease to fall out and sneeze, acquire a healthy shine and elasticity, become more dense in structure and rose from the roots. The recommended course is ten sessions according to the following scheme: the first three procedures are carried out with the interval.

Three days, the following three procedures - once a week, the remaining four - every two weeks.

The most difficult for treatment shape of hair loss is a genetically determined androgenic alopecia in men, manifesting abundant loss of hair cover in the frontal-dark zone. If you have time to "catch" her at an early stage, the chances of keeping the hair with mesotherapy are quite high. True, due to the genetically programmed nature of the problem, regular recurrence and supporting therapy will be required.

To date, drugs with nucleic acids are most promising for the prevention and treatment of baldness. They create ideal conditions for the livelihoods and division of cells, actively protect them from negative external factors, stimulate keratin synthesis in the hair follicle, have an antioxidant effect, make hair strong and healthy. Among such unique drugs - ADN-RESTART from Mesopharm containing the structural components of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), which ensure the processes of cellular update and skin rejuvenation, optimize cell metabolism, increase the production of growth factors. By enhancing trophic at the cellular level of hair roots, maximum nutrition and protection are becoming stronger and stronger. "

Since genetic alopecia can only be stopped by regular measures, repeating the mesotherapeutic courses will have to be constantly (at least twice a year), plus maintaining the servers once a month.

Spring in the head

Transitional spring and autumn seasons always become a test for the strength of the body's forces and immunity. The long absence of the Sun leads to a shortage of vitamin D and insufficient production of hormones responsible for hair growth. In the spring, most of us lacks vitamins, forces on the outcome, any stress knocks out of the rut, all this adversely affects the state of the scalp and hair follicles. To support hair health, the doctor usually prescribes the reception of vitamin preparations inside and at the same time conducts a course of mesotherapy of individually selected substances that improve local microcirculation, nourish and strengthen the hair roots, treat the scalp.

"If the bad condition of the hair is associated with vitaminosis, the specialist prescribes drugs with vitamins of a group B, ascorbic acid, silicon, zinc or polyvitamin cocktails, explains Alexander Southenko. - In addition, melanin and copper can be included in therapeutic serum, they help stop the process of laying hair and restore their natural color.

It is also necessary to remember that the seasonal impairment of hair quality can go into pathology if it does not fix provoking factors in time. For maximum benefit, it is recommended to combine two types of preparations in one procedure, for example described above Vita Line B +, providing the skin to the whole spectrum of group Vitamins B, and Vita Line C, which has a powerful immunosochetic effect. Vita Line C contains ascorbic acid at high concentration (20%), stimulates regenerative processes in the skin, supports the energy exchange of cells, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, improves the nutrition of hair roots. Therapy is carried out according to the following scheme: the first month is four sessions, the second month is two sessions, the third and fourth months - one session per month. After a long heating season, many leather head becomes dry, and the hair is fragile and lifeless. Hyaluronic acid-based mesotherapy cocktails will help cope with dehydration, stimulate metabolic processes and quickly restore hair quality. This rescue from the spring trouble is the Mesosorrot Hydro Line Extra from Mesopharm. In addition to high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, it contains a whole storehouse of vitamins (B1, B2, B4, B5, B8, B9, N, PR), amino acids and trace elements.

The effect of the drug is aimed at combating degenerative changes in skin cover and hair (primarily roots), as well as intensive moisturizing and nutrition, normalization of metabolism and all processes at the cell-molecular level, neutralization of adverse environmental factors. Due to the unique composition of the mesocoxtelation, the result is noticeable after the first procedures. In general, it takes from five to seven sessions. In addition to the total Hydro Line Extra listed, perfectly prepares the hair and the scalp to the summer season and protects against the negative effect of ultraviolet. "

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