The series "Queen of the game" in the frame and for the scenes


The plot of "Queen Games" can be called typical for Spanish or Brazilian television - love intrigues, criminal business, offense and revenge of heroes. However, the original format of the series is Korean. However, thanks to the directors of Roman Yaroslavtsev, Konstantin Taran and the Screenwriter Nonn Agajanova, Korean in the "Queen of the Game" remained a little. Even the final creators of the series did not like in the original project.

According to the plot, strong friendship between Paul and Nikolai collapses due to the greediness of the last and treason of his wife. Nikolay Tooth (playing Mikhail Polosukhin) takes business from a close friend. Paul does not withstand such tests, decides to destroy himself and his family, drowned the car in the river. Faith's wife (Yanina Sokolovskaya) and Serezh's son miraculously survive in a terrible accident. As it turns out later, now they live to take revenge on the tender for their destroyed happiness.

The queen of the game is not only a beautiful metaphor. According to the plot, such a queen is the mother of Sergey Vera, who settled the child to revenge behind the Father. "Yana Sokolovskaya played a difficult role, she is the most apple of discord, she is the queen of the game, a terrible figure," says Nonna Agajanova.

During filming in Transcarpathia, actors managed and relax in nature

During filming in Transcarpathia, actors managed and relax in nature

Adult Sergey played actor and TV presenter Vakhtang Beridze. The temperamental and gallant Georgians ideally came to the role of an attractive and successful businessman Sergei Nitchinsky. He was waiting for about twenty years to take revenge on the enemy of his father. Sergey thinks its plan to carry out through the daughter of Zudda Anna. He seduces the girl and waits for when he can challenge Anna. But it does not notice how he fell in love. Before the hero, Beridze is a difficult choice. To give in to hatred, which ripes from childhood, or to show wisdom - forgive Nicholas and be happy with Anna.

In the soul of Sergey Nitchi is constantly fighting contradictory feelings. And Vakhtang Beridze perfectly showed the entire spectrum of the hero's emotions. Perhaps due to the fact that the image of Nichansky is close to the actor. Beridze admits that he often associates himself with the hero, in certain situations would be as Sergey.

Yane Sokolovskaya got the role of a cunning lady, which twisted the whole dramatic intrigue

Yane Sokolovskaya got the role of a cunning lady, which twisted the whole dramatic intrigue

For the sake of the role of Vakhtang Beridze overcame the worst test for himself. The actor does not hide that he is Aerofob and is afraid of any aircraft. However, in one of the episodes of his hero, it turns out to be height in the literal sense of the word. "I flew on the helicopter for the first time in my life, I had to do a practically a stuntful trick, to rose on ski, almost completely leaning out of the helicopter with a gun. In one helicopter there was a film crew, and in the other - I and the pilot. It was probably the most terrible extreme test, "he recalls Sergey and admits that after the" Stop, removed "team left the helicopter very pale.

In another episode, the Hero of Vakhtang almost knocks down a car - the actor jumped aside as a last second. Also on the filming of Wahtaga for the first time I had to sit on the horse. "Vakhtang Beridze is my discovery, I believe that after this role will love the audience," the producer and the screenwriter of the series Nonna Agajanova are sure.

Mikhail Polosukhin was very convincing as an unclean businessman's hand

Mikhail Polosukhin was very convincing as an unclean businessman's hand

Despite the fact that Shakespeare's passions are raging in the series, the shooting of some episodes demanded not only acting skills, but also serious technical training. To the already mentioned trick on the helicopter, you need to add the shooting of the scene of the falling machine into the water. According to the scenario, the father of Sergey dies in this episode, and the boy himself and his mother saves. One of the channels of St. Petersburg was chosen for home filming. Ten days, the cascaders and the film crew have developed this trick, calculating all possible options. Removed with eight cameras, one of which was under water. But even then they needed coming in the pool, where the actors and cascaders worked on more detailed plans.

The series was filmed in Moscow, Lviv, St. Petersburg and Transcarpathia. According to Nonna Agadzhanova, the "queen of the game" was created almost without scenery. The screenwriter prefers to work with realistic interiors and landscapes. Especially when around the architecture of two capitals or beautiful mountain views. Locations were the most diverse: hotel, clinics, prison, place for battles without rules and even crazy house. And Nadezhda Bakhtina, the performer of the role of Anna Zuddy, remembers that although in the plot the picture took place in the summer, the weather in the frame and for the scenes, as often happens to the cinema, was not always the same. So, during the filming in St. Petersburg, Nadezhda ran on embankments in a light dress, although the first snow was lying in the city.

The series

The main female role was played by Nadezhda Bakhtin, known for the series "Carmelita"

But the Carpathian Mountains left a pleasant impression. The actors lived in tourist houses, went to the village for natural products, ride horses. And Nadezhda Bakhtin once adopted unusual local guests. Goats penetrated into her house. Turned over the furniture and refused to leave.

Viewers well remember the hope of Gypsy Lucites in the popular TV series "Carmelita". It can be said that the artist went to this image for a long time. As a child, the Nadezhda Bakhtina listened to the Gypsy songs and revised the film "Tabor goes into the sky." Even at the matinee once dressed up herself: he took a bright blouse, a colorful skirt, inserted a flower into her hair and turned into a gypsy. In the "Queen of Games", the hope also got a bright image. "So much of all sorts of peripetia is happening with my heroine, so much falls on its share of experiences, suffering and different emotions - from excavating joy to full collapse. It changes her, she becomes sacrificial, trembling and vulnerable, ready for a lot for love and his feeling and a loved one. " The actress was worried with Anna and admits that the work took a lot of mental and physical forces. Bakhtina seemed that she even raised to the end of the shooting.

The series

A rather important role in the picture is playing music. Over the sound track "Queen Games", the famous Igor Nikolayev worked, and, according to the creators of the series, Maestro once again showed himself as a creative and seeking person. Igor wrote music that became an integral part of the film, and his song sounds in the final.

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