On the anniversary of Philip Kirkorov sang electronic netrebko!


"It's a little sad day for me, and many know why. April 30th was not my beloved mother. Many years ago, I gave myself a word to always stand on stage on my birthday. I know she hears me! And today my relatives, which in the hall hear me. My dad is povere with his wife, my aunt Marie and Uncle Harry. There is only my daughter Allochka Victoria. I am now standing in front of you in the new quality - dad! " - Singer said from scene.

Congratulate Philip with this significant date came to his colleagues. Two and a half hours, they together with the audience admiringly applauded pop king.

"I was very worried today, honestly for you," the singer admitted. - The premiere of the program "Road" I showed four months ago in the same room. And now in front of me - the full hall! This is a miracle! Thank you for this holiday! This is the best gift. "

However, this program did not cost without surprises. So, Hit "Voice" Philip sang a duet with ... electronic netrebko! Anna could not come and congratulate the jubilee, but for the sake of such a case recorded its part of the execution according to the ultra-water Skype system. Many have not even noticed that the singers were not on stage - the sound was so technically reproduced.

It should be noted, this is the first such experience in Russia.

The pop king continued to celebrate his triumpual anniversary, in the trendy restaurant of the capital, where all his star friends also arrived. In the final of the holiday, the chefs carried out original cakes with crowns of a huge size. The delicacy did not leave any of the guests indifferent.

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