Transcamic acid: new anti-pigmentation


Hyaluron, glycolic, salicyl ... acids changed skin care treatments for the better. Therefore, it is not surprising that the appearance of another acid ingredient in the composition of new products caused a lot of noise in the field of beauty and care. I found out that it is a transcamic acid and why products containing this drug should be added to the cosmetic bag.

What is transcamic acid?

In fact, a novelty in the world of skin care products has been used in medicine for many years. This is an antifibrinolytic drug, that is, it reduces the collapse of blood clots and can be used to slow down bleeding. For example, the transcamic acid is contained in the rinse liquid, which the dentists give patients when removing the tooth.

Old medicine received new use in dermatology

Old medicine received new use in dermatology


Use in cosmetology

The transkamic acid not only stops blood, but also acts as a depigmentation agent. This means that acid can help in the fight against problems such as pigmentation, melasm and age spots. Along with other pigment regulators, this drug stops the absorption of the upper layers of the skin by pigment producing cells. Popularity adds the absence of a large recruitment of side effects.

How to introduce transcamic acid into a personal care program

Like other acid care acids, the transkamamovoy falls on the skin in the composition of various means: acid toner, serum or moisturizing cream. It does not exhaust the skin, as many acids make, but it prevents excessive production of melanin (which causes hyperpigmentation) and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. The disadvantage is that it is a rather rare ingredient, so it is not so easy to find a cosmetic product containing this acid.

Before use, you need to consult with a beautician

Before use, you need to consult with a beautician



Unlike some other acids that can cause irritation and excessive sensitivity, the transomic acid is "friendlier" to the skin and does not cause so many side effects. However, it is worth noting that there is no need to add this ingredient to its leaving program if there are no pigmentation problems. It is also not recommended to use more than one acid at the same time. It is always important to consult with a dermatologist before you start acquaintance with the new product. In addition, we do not advise you to experiment with acids in the summer, and especially careful skin people should be especially careful.

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