A snapshots from the christening Son Podolskaya and Presnyakov got into the network


In the fifth of June, Vladimir and Natalia became the happy parents of the Son of Artem. Chet did not pull the boy with christening and last Sunday made the corresponding rite. Interestingly, the musicians did not make noise from this event. And only after baptism, which was closest, they reported on this on social networks. A snapshot from the church laid out the Presnyakov in his microblog, briefly signing it: "Breasting the Son." The photo shows Natalia and Vladimir, very calm and spiritualized, as well as a godmother holding a tiny topic.

Children's photographer Anastasia Shuvalova, who was present in the christening, also congratulated young parents: "Today, a very tiny Artemia has acquired his guardian angel. I sincerely congratulate Natasha Podolskaya and Volodya Presnyakova with this important event in their family, with the baptism of the Son. "

Family photographer Anastasia Shuvalova shared pictures from the christening of the son of artists. Photo: Social networks

Family photographer Anastasia Shuvalova shared pictures from the christening of the son of artists. Photo: Social networks

And then, Podolskaya expressed his joy about the occurrence of events: "Angel appeared at Artemia today. Thank God baptized! "

A snapshots from the christening Son Podolskaya and Presnyakov got into the network 35089_2

Nataliapodolskaya: "Tyome today came the next gifts! But more touched an extraordinary, with a soul made postcard! Thanks a lot! Very nice!" Photo: Social networks

By the way, the singer is happy to share with his fans about how her life has changed. "Weekday mom. This is still the day and you need to leave the hairdresser. Do not dick go? - wrote the other day the artist. - You took care of one feeding, and then it is necessary to be like a bayonet !!! And so you sit in the car, the hands are shaking, just to have time! Not to mention the fact that in this state you can not get behind the wheel! Hysterically rushing home, and your angel sleeps ... And you exhale happy and fall around. And you think what a well done you are, everything has time !!! Also and walked the long-awaited outfit, because after giving birth so I want! "

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