Bed problems: because of what they occur and how to solve them


It all begins ... from inexpensive. Yourself, partner, life.

From his practice work with clients who want to create a happy relationship with a partner, I saw the tendency to "forget" that sex is one of the fundamental aspects in this matter.

Exploring that the client expects from future relationships or that it can give this relationship, only in 10% of cases is called high-quality sex. In the rest, it is not even mentioned.

When communicating with already in relation to the problems and experienced problems in bed, the trend was revealed in the presence of installations from us, women that "men only need it", "he can not think anything else," "All men are sexual Manyaki "," I must first think about children. " Also, many are afraid to be liberated, "I suddenly will not understand," "I'm shyful," "I have to pretend, because I do not feel orgasm and I am afraid to offend him," "And the meaning is to do that I do not bring pleasure?" etc.

There is another reason - "I have enough spiritual proximity, everything else is contrived and does not matter, the main thing is that we love each other."

Unfortunately, we have lost an understanding of the importance of sexual education in the family. Parents do not tell children about the need for care for themselves and about their future sexual partner, which leads in many cases to unwanted pregnancy, disappointment, loss of dignity, self-confidence and other unpleasant consequences.

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Marina Alyasova, expert on relationships, author of the book "Do not go, girls, marry ..."

What to do? How to avoid all these obstacles and be truly happy in relationships?

Firstly, it is important to realize that a good family is like a good picture, everything in its place: a professionally selected palette of paints, shades, the location of the figures, each touch plays in favor of the overall composition. There is nothing superfluous in it. I want to look at such a picture and enjoy her beauty, depth and skill of the artist. And every time, looking at it, something new, previously unnoticed, but no less beautiful.

Secondly, I propose to recognize the fact that only happy parents who are all together with each other can make their children truly happy.

Thirdly, only when we do something with pleasure, we really live in joy.

So let yourself have fun from everything you do. And it does not matter - do you prepare, raise children or communicate with your husband. Even from contact with your loved one, it is important to learn how to enjoy, otherwise why are you together?

Start your relationship with sincerity, first of all, in relation to yourself and, accordingly, in relation to the partner. If sex is not in the first place for you, you should not meet with a man who has it in priority. Sooner or later, this will lead to the problem of misunderstanding, and the high probability of betting and painful separation will appear.

Allow yourself such a luxury as the ability to talk to each other, especially correctly in such intimate issues. Trust and open your partner, listen to yourself - your feelings, emotions, feelings. Understanding yourself will help you build a harmonious relationship and enjoy mutual communication. Promotion of joy in all areas of your life together.

And remember, the man gets great pleasure when his woman enjoys the process instead of striving to please him. And here everything is won - both the woman and a man, and relationships. Be happy and love each other.

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