Jasmine: "The real woman should walk on heels"


A collection of about a hundred pairs of shoes, each is stored in a special cell in the dressing room. Some models look like a real work of art. It is not surprising that Jasmine proudly demonstrates its treasures. And at the same time recalls funny stories related to those or other shoes.

It is said that women are divided into "pussy" and shoe fans ...

Jasmine : "I have a lot of bags too, but I still love shoes anymore. I did not consider it, but I think I have no less than a hundred couples. What you see in the apartment is not all. Part of the collection is in my costume. Thank God, I have such a job that there is an opportunity to regularly remove my shoes into the light. I remember once Eva Polna in honor of his birthday arranged a party in the style of the twenties. I found suitable boats, curled large curls, put on the pearl - in general, it was a complete feeling that I was fashionable from last time. When I went out, passersby looked at me with amazement. But I am an artist and I love to transform. "

Do you remember the very first shoes that impressed you?

Jasmine : "Yes, these were mother's boots with a narrow sock and high heels. I liked you madly. When moms were not at home, I put on them and flew around the apartment. Of course, they fell off her legs. My grandmother is a big needlewoman: she sews, knits, embroiders, she has a lot of beautiful fabrics. I chose some bright cut, wrapped in him as in Sari, painted his lips and painted the mole on his forehead, like an Indiana. Then dad came and forced me to wash off all this beauty. "

When did you have the first high-heeled shoes?

Jasmine : "I put them on the graduation ball. I had a beautiful red dress. I waited for this moment that every day I measured the dress and shoes, I thought they would no longer live to the holiday. (Laughs.) And when I got on the hairpins for the first time, I immediately understood: it's mine. I walk very well at heels, whatever heights they were. "

On the shelves in the dressing room there are about a hundred pairs of shoes Jasmine. Photo: Evgeny Matveyev.

On the shelves in the dressing room there are about a hundred pairs of shoes Jasmine. Photo: Evgeny Matveyev.

And which of them are the highest?

Jasmine : "In my opinion, fourteen centimeters. These are shoes on the hidden platform of the Yves Saint Laurent brand. This brand is one of my favorites, they have a very comfortable block. Also, I like the models from Christian Louboutin and Chanel. "

So you prefer elegant feminine models on a heel?

Jasmine : "Yes, I believe that a woman should walk on heels! Of course, there are exceptions: if you go to the sports club or shopping, such shoes are inappropriate. In principle, any model, even if on a solid sole, may look beautiful if you choose it correctly. But I prevail shoes on studs and high platform - I wear them to secular events, celebrations, restaurants and scene. "

As you usually make purchases: Order your favorite catalog model, designers or are going to shopping in Europe?

Jasmine : "To use trips abroad for the sake of shopping, I do not particularly like it. I prefer to go to museums and on excursions. But if I am going to Europe for business, then, of course, I can go shopping. So, recently brought amazing white lacquer sandals from Italy. They have such an avant-garde heel - it is even difficult to describe it. Do you know what he reminds me? Architect style Antonio Gaudi, who designed the famous church of the Holy Family in Barcelona. "

You do not consider yourself to shopahologists who run through shopping to remove stress?

Jasmine : "No to remove stress, I buy cosmetics and perfume. I love smells very much. But, of course, and beautiful spectacular shoes raises the mood. "

You have not been calculated, what part of your budget is spent on shoes?

Jasmine: "Does not, e is. I think it is superfluous. Why spoil your nerves? " (Laughs.)

Jasmine, did you happen that you bought smaller shoes just because she liked you insanely?

Jasmine : "Of course, and more, and smaller! And once there was a very funny case. We went to shoot a clip to St. Petersburg. Stylist Alexander Shevchuk brought a red dress with him, and silver boots. Open boxes in the dressing room and discover that both boots on the left leg! What to do? Do not break the same shooting day - to run shopping and selecting another couple of time. I had to wear left boots on my right leg. By the end of the shooting day, my legs were wearing. I felt like a mermaid from Andersen's fairy tale. But what for the sake of your favorite work will not do! By the way, often when I go to concerts and shooting, my assistants forget to put shoes. It's a shame because everyone is asked: "Do you have that, no shoes?" There was a case when I had to borrow them from my dancers. We have a girl in the group who has the same leg size. "

What are your favorite shoes?

Jasmine : "There are those, they are already very old. "Leopard" Sabo sandals from Dolce & Gabbana. I will not give them anyone. First, they like me. Secondly, it is important, the "leopard" and the tanque does not come out of fashion. So these Sabo do not look old-fashioned - quite the actual model! And thirdly, I bought them in the happy period of my life. When I put them on, my mood rises. "

Do you have some other exhibits with history?

Jasmine : "In 2005, I was nominated for the MTV Russia Music Awards Prize. Designers stitched me a luxurious dress of gentle-golden color, and I bought an unreal beauty of the boots to him. And what do you think? I won the nomination "Best Performer"! So since then I believe that these boots bring to me good luck! I have another memorable pair. Such, you know, touching shoes, like Cinderella. They are handmade, the designer Alisher sewed them. I performed in their solo concert "One hundred percent of love", the director of whom was Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. "

Do you keep wedding shoes?

Jasmine : "We played the wedding in Moldova last September. There was very warmth, so I put on half open sandals. And I picked up just such a model that I can wear and after the celebration. I want these sandals to be associated with me not only with one day. Let them have a long and interesting life - the same as I have with my husband! "

Buying spectacular jewelry and belts helps the singer to cope with stress. Photo: Evgeny Matveyev.

Buying spectacular jewelry and belts helps the singer to cope with stress. Photo: Evgeny Matveyev.

I noticed that you have a lot of belts. Is this your favorite accessory?

Jasmine : "I used to be loved to wear them and often changed. And now I wear less often. Maybe fashion has changed, or I'm not so often putting jeans - I prefer dresses. But the habit of buying belts remained: they like me as much as the jewelry. There are no many of them. Sometimes girlfriends ask to give a belt to some celebration, and I am happy to do it with pleasure. "

Did you not count them either?

Jasmine : "No, but, I think they are still smaller than shoes. When I equipped my dressing room, I had one line of lockers. (There are such retractable lockers for ties, which I use for storage of the belts.) But very quickly, I realized that there are no longer enough space. Now they are four ... "

Do you have preferences on materials: leather, suede, textiles?

Jasmine : "Recently, I like thin varnish straps. On some simple dress, you can wear two or three at once. Mostly I have leather accessories, but soft enough. There are belts that stylists specially made for my stage outfits. They are expanded by stones, rhinestones, sequins. They should look at the stage. "

How would you dress if they were not a singer?

Jasmine : "I think I would still go to heels and preferred bright colors. But life would be more boring. "

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