Office shoes: best solutions


Any self-respecting girl should have at least several pairs of shoes for different cases, because the same shoes can not categorically approach to access different events. Today we will talk about shoes, which is most often "walking", namely - about the business.

The main rule is your comfort. In shoes or boots, you spend most of the time in the office, so no discomfort cannot be allowed. And if you have to run on different instructions, the question is solved by itself.

It is unlikely that the pure stud will deliver many amenities in the workplace

It is unlikely that the pure stud will deliver many amenities in the workplace


Several regulations for the selection:

1. Pay attention to the length of the heels. It is desirable, of course, to do without them, but if you do not work, buy a pair at a low heel - about 5-7 cm. In this case, you will not lose your style, but also inconvenience to test exactly.

2. Material. Perfect choice - Genuine leather shoes. The big plus is that they do not change the form over time, as it can happen with cheaper materials. The skin adapts to the shape of your foot, which means it will not rub.

Create perfect image

It is important to take into account the color and style of shoes when choosing a dress. In no case do not allow the "traffic light" in the image, you do not want to choose the tasteless young lady? Therefore, the colors should not be screaming, especially when it comes to a business image. Perfectly combined, for example, a dark monochrome dress and calm shoes in tone or just darker.

However, this does not mean that with flowers it is impossible to play: milk shoes can be combined with almost any pastel shades in clothing. Remember that lightwear always concentrates on shoes.

Shoes with strap - also dubious attachment. First, you can graze the leg, secondly, the strap around the ankle visually makes the leg in short.

Narrow, sharply shoes for years 20 years have come out of fashion, and they themselves are uncomfortable: squeeze their fingers and can lead to inflammation of the bone of thumb.

ballet shoes make you squat and generally ugly sit on the leg

ballet shoes make you squat and generally ugly sit on the leg


And what to choose, you ask?


The first thing you need to purchase, if you have not done this yet, - shoes. Here is a truly universal couple! You can no fear for the health of the legs to wear them in the office, and you can put on a secular part.

Skills on a small hairpin

If the hairpin is less than 10 cm - everything is fine. We will not even talk to what effect has such shoes on men, it is better to check it yourself.

Creative parts can be used to the original models as part of a reasonable

Creative parts can be used to the original models as part of a reasonable



A modern girl is unforgivable to miss such a model. Designers do not stand still and are constantly trying to surprise us something, so in the case of the lobes you can put them in the office, and not just a meeting with girlfriends in the cafe.

Shoes emphasizing your individuality

If you are a creative person and live without accents in clothes, that we can not forbid you. Your choice is colored heels, entertaining decor and other intricate things, but it is important to know the measure: after all, the office requires compliance with a certain dress code.

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