Business Books: Benefit or Harm


Publishers keep up with the times: now they produce not only artistic works, but also the books of non-Fikshn, focused on obtaining knowledge and achieve the result. Many bloggers and businessmen offer to write their own books on the themes in which they understand - from increasing the audience of the blog in Instagram to a startup with a zero budget. We explain how such benefits may be also harmful.

Motivation to the start

The first and, perhaps, the main thing is that business books can be taken out of reading - this is a desire to act. Every person held in his sphere advises not to think about the project plan for years, and start as early as possible. Even the most perfect plan can crash about life when you encounter unforeseen problems, the way out of which did not provide in advance. It is better to gradually develop and learn from your mistakes than to sit back. By the way, and on other people's mistakes in these books can also be learned - usually businessmen openly talk about how difficulties have come across as their work.

Draw new ideas

Draw new ideas


New ideas and approaches

Some people have become successful due to the fact that they were the first to come up with a certain technique for increasing demand for their product or intuitively understood customer communication tactics. If a person conscientiously approached writing a book, instead of empty words about "successful success" there will be concrete recommendations in it. In the books, they tell me that it will help to speed up the development of the business - this is invaluable information that must be used in practice. We advise you to read books not only in your area, for example, doing restaurant business, but also benefits for the development of the page in Instagram, writing texts, rules of business correspondence, and other things that will be useful to you.

Infectious example

Openness of businessmen sometimes discourages: they openly talk about millions of income, real estate worldwide and expensive travels. Many people this information suggests: "And what am I worse?" They with double enthusiasm are taken for the development of their own business and really increase income. However, on other people, such openness may have a reverse effect: a person working in the office and getting a small salary will closes in itself and hangs the stamp "loser". People who are sharply reacting to someone else's success, we advise you to read not biographies, but books to help develop useful skills.

Unreal goals

Fasciating business books, you can easily create a list of non-sufficient goals, thinking that you can achieve everything. Some are planning to move abroad, others - buy an apartment for tens of millions of rubles, the third is to turn around the whole world with branded trainings for other businessmen. It is important to understand that your life is not a story about Cinderella, so only gradual development is possible. Start with real plans, painting them on day, month and year. These lists will help to understand in which direction to move, and most importantly, what needs to work, and not only invent the goals.

Do not get involved in planning

Do not get involved in planning


Openness - only myth

The book of the book Return - Some people really developed a business from scratch, while others used dishonest schemes and "got out" on psychological tricks. In general, no business costs without deception, because the wishing profit must cause interest from the buyer and the desire to become a constant client is impossible without certain techniques. Hiding wages of employees and income from the tax service, cheapening of production and work with the advertising service - you will never tell you about it in the books. Be selective and not to push the clinging headlines like "how I earned a million in 5 years." Let the person, whose history you read will be interesting to you.

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