Top 5 dangerous to the tourist places in the world


The vacation season is nearing, the majority have already decided where he will spend several weeks this summer. But if you are still tormented by doubts, we have prepared the top 5 places for you, where you should not take a ticket.


Whether you at least three times extremal and confident man, you should not risen myself for boastful photos in social networks. We all heard about Somali pirates, however, if you are not a lover of recreation in luxury yachts, pirates should not worry you. Problems arise on land in the territory of the state itself. Although such a state does not exist. Rather, several warring groups. Radical moods, religious distribution becomes a reason for fierce conflicts. You understand, Somalia is not the best option for a quiet and quiet, and most importantly - a safe rest.

However, if you visited everywhere and simply crave a thrill, hire a guide, which understands the local language and will be able to pull you out of a dangerous situation if there is such a need.

The natural beauty of Mexico compensates for the unpleasant activity of local

Natural beauty Mexico compensates for the unpleasant activity of local "businessmen"



One of the most popular countries among the tourists is not so friendly. Here are concentrated groupings that are engaged in the production and propagation of prohibited substances. Through this, undoubtedly, the country's excellent in terms of landscapes pass millions obtained from the sale of narcotic substances. And do not think that the police, in which case, will fall on your side: several tourists do not stand that revenue, which law enforcement agencies are constantly involved.

We will not talk about the disassembly of groups, during which they suffer both local and tourists.

If you decide on the trip, carefully worked the route, notify your relatives, where you are at the moment, and in no case should you go there alone.

Colombia is famous not only by selected coffee beans

Colombia is famous not only by selected coffee beans


Snake Island

"Poisonous" corner of Brazil. One of the most dangerous places in the country that fully meets its name. Just imagine: per quarter. The meter accounted for as much as 5 snakes! Moreover, the poison of some of them cannot be neutralized, and in the conditions of remoteness from civilization, a meeting with a snake can turn into a tragedy for you.

Nevertheless, all this does not interfere with extremals from all over the world to come to the island even one by one and without any protection to take the video for his travel blog. You probably guess how more than half of such travel ends.

Morocco can surprise both species and attitude of the local population

Morocco can surprise both species and attitude of the local population



Motherland Pablo Escobar. If you watched the movie of the same name, you know how local criminal groupings are industrial. However, now the country has become calmer, and when complying with security measures, you can spend quite an adequate vacation. However, areas where armed conflicts are still happening, it is worth studying in advance and not to go there under any circumstances.

Venezuela (Caracas)

The terrifying poverty of the local population pushes people to any actions regarding the White Tourists with the aim of rejoicing. The state allocates little budget for the police, so there is practically no order to Caracas. You can easily relax.

La Oroy (Peru)

The city is dangerous primarily by the presence of heavy metals in the depths. The permanent operation of mining factories has caused acid rains and diseases of the local population. Poisoning with heavy metals is carried out very hard, and it is unlikely that you want to spend this vacation.


In this patriarchal country, the tourists of female suffer most of all, which decided to make a trip alone. If you are in Morocco, try to abide by all the rules and orders, otherwise you can get into custody for several days, and considering the increased attention of the male population to European women, the whole rest you will be hidden in the premises instead of making walks.

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