Patches under the eyes: marketing stroke or use


Literally a year ago, the beauty industry covered the wave of admiration by patches - in small masks of collagen and cellulose, impregnated with a moisturizing composition. Bloggers and beauty experts are also exposed to Morning Selfie, where patches were blocked on their face. Manufacturers quickly realized that it was possible to release similar means - so appeared patches with nutritional composition for lips, antibacterial for skin inflammation and liquid masks around the eyes. However, recently, many "experts" have decided to rebel against the liberal care, calculating patches harmful to the skin. We understand which myths surround this product and what patches actually give us.

Greenhouse effect

Suddenly, for cosmetologists, bloggers began to promote the idea that the skin does not breathe under the cellulose and hydrogel coating of the patch. In response, experts only smile, noting that the skin in principle cannot breathe, contrary to the common myth. As part of patches, in addition to useful additives, only water and chemical thickeners - they pass the air, so that no greenhouse effect can be formed. Yes, and for those 15-20 minutes, while you hold them on your skin, moisture cannot be accumulated under the patch layer in the absence of intentional heating.

Create edema

Imaginary experts also argue that patches do not remove swelling, as the manufacturer declares, and on the contrary provoke its appearance. Cosmetologists break up this myth of facts: the components of the composition of patches really hold moisture, but temporarily. The effect of the majority of patches is instant, not accumulative. It is enough to remember about the simple rule of the work of our body: the more water we drink, the faster it is displayed. The skin is also: if you regularly moisture the zone under the eyes of high-quality cosmetics, then the skin will absorb useful substances and remove the extra moisture.

Unknown components of the composition

Here, experts unanimously agree that it is necessary to carefully study the composition of the funds in order to understand whether it will work effectively or not. It is far from the fact that unfamiliar extracts of plants or an animal mucus will remove swelling and moisturize the skin. However, chemists and cosmetologists allocate several components that should be as part of high-quality patches:

  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Glycerol
  • Niacinamide
  • Caffeine
  • Allantoin
  • Hydroexoietylmoevina
  • Panthenol and others

How to apply patches

First of all, keep patches in the refrigerator - chilled they will better act on the skin, as the cold removes swelling. Remove from the package with a special blade from the kit, so as not to put the microbes inside the jars. Apply for a face cleaned face for 15-20 minutes. After the morning shower or washing warm water, the effect will be noticeable. Patches can also be imposed on the skin before bedtime, but we do not recommend that you make girls prone to edema - the zone under the eyes can be "swollen" due to an individual reaction. Patches for the area around the eyes can also be glued to dry facial zones - usually it is cheeks, mimic wrinkles on the forehead and around the nose and chin.

How often can you use patches

Patches can become an element of daily care - due to long-staying on the face they are better moisturized than creams and gels. However, stick them advise no more often than two times a day - it's just enough to get enough skin. Manufacturers recommend to make patches by courses, promising prolonged effect. True, it is worth noting that this reaction is individual - some girls do not have enough moisture if they stop applying patches to the oppression zone. The cost of packages is different: from 1 thousand and higher for a monthly course. Not every girl can afford such spending, so you can save a little - to apply patches only to important events or in days when you feel a special dry skin.

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