How to get what you want: basic rules


We live in society, so we constantly have to communicate, maintain contacts and look for new ones. As a rule, problems may arise with the search for new connections. On how to effectively interact with people, we will tell.

Do good

As if beaten and banal it sounded, but good almost always returns to the one who shared them. Do not miss even the slightest opportunity to help if you can. Suppose you have a thing that is extremely necessary for your familiar, - without thinking sharing. Believe me, your act will appreciate and remember.

feeling fatigue dull persistence

feeling fatigue dull persistence


Ask for a little more than going to get

This technique resembles a market bargaining. However, it works only if you really need a person. Remember that this is a business relationship: in your personal life, unnecessary requests will work in the opposite direction.

So, you asked a little more - here it is very important to "a little bit," the man refused. But if it is really impossible to do without you, you will definitely call back and offer less than you requested, but still higher than they were going to offer originally. No matter how effective this method was, apply it only if it is absolutely confident in the outcome.

Desire to help

This technique is reminded by the previous one. Your goal is to make the person himself offered you help. To do this, you can ask himself what another person does not agree. After refusal, he will feel your debtor, let him not immediately, but this feeling will appear. As a result - it will begin to offer you help on various scales.

Try to call a person by name

Try to call a person by name


Call me by name

Many psychologists are confident that the person's name on him actually acts magical way.

No wonder all sorts of coaches on personal growth call on to mention the name of the opponent in conversation, which to strengthen the sympathy. And if praise a person, consider that they grown in the eyes of the interlocutor several times.

Reception "Mirror"

We are talking about copying movements, hagging and position of the body of another person. At the subconscious level, "culmination" causes people a natural confidence in the person with whom they communicate. However, to achieve success in this technique, practice is needed, no one guarantees that you will get the first time.

Requests Addressing for stern people

A person who exhausted will be more susceptible to your request. The thing is that even a person's psyche is not capable of fighting and active dispute in a depleted state, so the tired chief will be much more willing to finish work the next day, but remember that you have to finish, because you promised.


Reception "Mirror" works great


Do not straighten people

Again, as experienced psychologists say, a person does not need to aggressively point to the mistake perfect for them, as it will cause a storm in it, and you just quarrel. Remember, even if the person blames in his failures of everyone around, although it is objective to blame himself, no need to disappear into his face. Unobtrusively try to change his vision of the situation, perseverance and insistence will not help you, rather, they will confuse a person against you.

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